Chapter 4 Powerline Network Setup Tutorial
PLA-4xx Series User’s Guide 39
Figure 27 Local/Remote Adapters on a Powerline Network
3To set up a new powerline network, type the DAK Password and change the Network
Password (NMK) on all powerline adapters you wish to add to your network.
Look for the DAK Password on a label on your powerline adapter. The DAK
Password lets you access the adapter.
Select the Remote adapter you want to add (A) and type the DAK Password in
the DAK Password field (B).
Then type the new network password in the Network Password (NMK) field.
Figure 28 Adding an Adapter to Your New Network
4Click Save.
If you do not type the DAK password or type it incorrectly either of the following pop-
ups appears. Click OK and type the DAK Password correctly in the DAK Password