P-660H-Tx v2 Support Notes
4. SUA Notes
Tested SUA/NAT Applications (e.g., Cu-SeeMe, ICQ, NetMeeting)
Generally, SUA makes your LAN appear as a single machine to the outside
world. LAN users are invisible to outside users. However, some applications
such as Cu-SeeMe, and ICQ will need to connect to the local user behind the
P-660H-Tx v2. In such case, a SUA server must be configured to forward the
incoming packets to the true destination behind SUA. After the required server
are configured in Web Configurator, Advanced Setup, Network -> NAT ->
Port Forwarding, the internal server or client applications can be accessed by
using the P-660H-Tx v2's WAN IP Address.
SUA Supporting Table
The following are the required Web Configurator, Advanced Setup, Network
-> NAT -> Port Forwarding for the various applications running SUA mode.
ZyXEL SUA Supporting Table1
Required Settings in Port Forwarding
Outgoing Connection Incoming
HTTP None 80/client IP
FTP None 21/client IP
TELNET None 23/client IP
(and active Telnet
service from WAN)
POP3 None 110/client IP
SMTP None 25/client IP
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