P-660HW-Dx User’s Guide 361
remote management limitations 204
reset 255
reset button 40
resetting the ZyXEL device 40
restart 251, 255
restore configuration 254
restore settings 254
RFC 1483 76
RFC 1631 129
RFC-1483 77
RFC-2364 76
RIP 96
Direction 96
Versio n 96
Routing Information Protocol
see RIP
RTS (Request To Send) 274
threshold 273, 274
rules 158
checklist 156
key fields 157
LAN to WAN 158
logic 156
predefined services 169
Ssafety warnings 6
save settings 253
saving the state 148
scheduler 188
fairness-based 189
priority-based 188
SCR 79, 83, 88
screws 269
general 152
ramifications 156
Server 132
server 131, 132, 230
service 157
service set 109
Service Set IDentity
service type 165
services 134
backup 253
defaults 253
restore 254
setup, general 227
Single User Account
see SUA
ALG 132
SIP application layer gateway 132
SMTP 134
smurf 147
SNMP 134, 207
manager 208
MIBs 209
source address 157
splitter 341
splitters 341
command examples 329
text file format 315
SSID 105
hide 106
stateful inspection 143, 144, 148, 149
and the ZyXEL device 150
process 149
static route 183
SUA 132
SUA vs NAT 132
subnet 267, 301
subnet mask 95, 163, 302
subnetting 304
Sustain Cell Rate
see SCR
switch 265
SYN Flood 146, 147
syntax conventions 4
syslog 168
system errors 233
system name 227, 228
System Parameter Table Generator
system restart 255
system timeout 204
TTCP maximum incomplete 173
TCP security 150
TCP/IP 145, 146, 285
TCP/IP address 257
teardrop 146
Teln et 67, 205