ZyAIR G-110 User’s Guide

Figure 2-6 ZyAIR Utility: Profile: Configuration

Follow the instructions in the table below to configure the wireless LAN related fields. Refer to the next section for Profile field descriptions.


Table 2-3 ZyAIR Utility: Profile: Configuration











Server Set

Enter the SSID (Service Set IDentifier) of the AP or the peer ad-hoc computer to which


you want to associate in this field. To associate to an ad-hoc network, you must enter


the same SSID as the peer ad-hoc computer.


Enter any to associate to or roam between any infrastructure wireless networks.




Select Infrastructure or Ad-Hocfrom the drop-down list box.


Select Infrastructure to associate to an AP.


Select Ad-Hocto associate to a peer ad-hoc computer.


Refer to Section 2.2 for more information.



Using the ZyAIR Utility
