Your RadioShack
You can select up to 200 channels for your scanner to scan, and you can change your selections at any time. Its rotary tuning control lets you easily se- lect frequencies and channels. Plus, when you turn on the weather alert function, the scanner sounds an alarm if the weather service transmits a weather alert tone.
The secret to your scanner’s ability to scan so many frequencies is its cus-
Your scanner has these features:
WX Alert — warns you of serious weather conditions by sounding an alarm if the weather service transmits a weather alert tone.
Weather Band Auto Scan — scans the preprogrammed weather frequen- cies so you can stay informed about current weather conditions.
Hyperscan — scans programmed channels at up to 50 channels per second.
Hypersearch — lets you set the scan- ner to search at up to 300 steps per second.
Rotary Tuner — lets you easily tune and select frequencies or channels.
Auto Sort — lets you scan the chan- nels stored in a bank, in order from lowest to highest frequency, to in- crease scanning speed.
Auto Store — quickly finds and auto- matically stores active frequencies into the selected banks (but does not store the frequency if it is already stored in another channel).
Frequency Transfer — lets you easi- ly organize your frequencies by trans- ferring them from one channel to another.
Monitor Memories — let you store up to 10 frequencies you locate during a frequency search.
Limit Search — lets you search for transmissions within a set range.
© 1996 Tandy Corporation.
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RadioShack is a trademark used by Tandy Corporation.
Hyperscan and Hypersearch are registered trademarks used by Tandy Corporation.