I n t r o d u c t i o n
Balanced analogue system
The G02 Balanced Control Unit provides balanced outputs, | G02 to provide a generous 200W per channel to drive passive |
making it the heart of a superb quality analogue system. The | loudspeakers. The G08 |
G57 | source for use with the G02, giving a fully balanced system. |
Meridian Digital Theatre
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The G68 Digital Surround Controller can be used with Meridian | Alternatively, the G55 |
digital loudspeakers, such as DSP8000s and a DSP5500HC centre | to the system for use with five passive loudspeakers. The G98 DVD |
speaker, to provide audiophile quality sound. A further two or | Audio Transport is an ideal source for use with the G68. It plays |
four speakers, such as DSP420 Digital Loudspeakers, can be | |
added as side or rear loudspeakers to give excellent multichannel | ROMs, and provides |
reproduction from music and movie sources. |