This cassette recorder features an Automatic Recording Volume Level Control System that prevents overloaded or distorted recordings. You can change the volume level as often as you like during the recording process. It will not have any effect on the volume level of the recording itself.
1.) Insert a good quality blank tape into DECK A with the exposed tape facing down and the full reel on the left side. Close DECK A door.
2.) Select the source you wish to record:
PHONO, TUNER, CD or TAPE (Tape Dubbing) and operate that source as you normally would.
3.) Press the Record key on DECK A to begin recording.
NOTE: When recording from Cassette B to Cassette A you can press the HI-
SPEED DUBBING button to "O N " to select high speed dubbing which allows you to make recordings at approximately twice the normal recording speed.
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