Gardena THS400 Ths, 2586, 98/37/EC, 2006/42/EC, 2004/108/EC, 2006/95/EC, 93/68/EC, 2000/14/EC

Page 9

X Zodpovednosќ za

Vэslovne zdфrazтujeme, ћe podѕa zбkona o ruиenн za vэrobok nie sme

vady vэrobku

zodpovednн za љkody spфsobenй naљim zariadenнm, ak sъ spфsobenй


nesprбvnou opravou, alebo ak sa nepouћili originбlne diely GARDENA alebo


nami schvбlenй diely a ak nebola oprava vykonanб znaиkovou opravovтou


GARDENA alebo autorizovanэm odbornнkom. To istй platн aj pre doplnkovй


diely a prнsluљenstvo.



D EU-Konformitätserklärung

Der Unterzeichnete GARDENA Manufacturing GmbH, Hans-Lorenser-Str. 40, D-89079 Ulm, bestätigt, dass das nachfolgend bezeichnete Gerät in der von uns in Verkehr gebrachten Ausführung die Anforderungen der harmonisierten EU-Richtlinien, EU-Sicherheitsstandards und produktspezifischen Standards erfüllt. Bei einer nicht mit uns abgestimmten Änderung des Gerätes verliert diese Erklärung ihre Gültigkeit.

G EU Certificate of Conformity

The undersigned GARDENA Manufacturing GmbH, Hans-Lorenser-Str. 40,

D-89079 Ulm, hereby certifies that, when leaving our factory, the unit indicated below is in accordance with the harmonised EU guidelines, EU standards of safety and product specific standards. This certificate becomes void if the unit is modified without our approval.

F Certificat de conformité aux directives européennes

Le constructeur, soussigné :

GARDENA Manufacturing GmbH, Hans-Lorenser-Str. 40, D-89079 Ulm, déclare qu’à la sortie de ses usines le matériel neuf désigné ci-dessous était conforme aux prescriptions des directives européennes énoncées ci-après et conforme aux règles de sécurité et autres règles qui lui sont applicables dans le cadre de l’Union européenne. Toute modification portée sur ce produit sans l’accord express de GARDENA supprime la validité de ce certificat.

N EU-overeenstemmingsverklaring

Ondergetekende GARDENA Manufacturing GmbH, Hans-Lorenser-Str. 40, D-89079 Ulm, bevestigt, dat het volgende genoemde apparaat in de door ons in de handel gebrachte uitvoering voldoet aan de eis van, en in overeenstem- ming is met de EU-richtlijnen, de EU-veiligheidsstandaard en de voor het pro- duct specifieke standaard. Bij een niet met ons afgestemde verandering aan het apparaat verliest deze verklaring haar geldigheid.

S EU Tillverkarintyg

Undertecknad firma GARDENA Manufacturing GmbH, Hans-Lorenser-Str. 40, D-89079 Ulm, intygar härmed att nedan nämnda produkter överensstämmer med EU:s direktiv, EU:s säkerhetsstandard och produktspecifikation. Detta intyg upphör att gälla om produkten ändras utan vårt tillstånd.

I Dichiarazione di conformità alle norme UE La sottoscritta GARDENA Manufacturing GmbH, Hans-Lorenser-Str. 40, D-89079 Ulm, certifica che il prodotto qui di seguito indicato, nei modelli da noi commercializzati, è conforme alle direttive armonizzate UE nonché agli standard di sicurezza e agli standard specifici di prodotto. Qualunque modifica apportata al prodotto senza nostra specifica autorizzazione invalida la presente dichiarazione.

E Declaración de conformidad de la UE

El que subscribe GARDENA Manufacturing GmbH, Hans-Lorenser-Str. 40, D-89079 Ulm, declara que la presente mercancía, objeto de la presente de- claración, cumple con todas las normas de la UE, en lo que a normas técni- cas, de homologación y de seguridad se refiere. En caso de realizar cualquier modificación en la presente mercancía sin nuestra previa autorización, esta declaración pierde su validez.

P Certificado de conformidade da UE

Os abaixo mencionados GARDENA Manufacturing GmbH, Hans-Lorenser- Str. 40, D-89079 Ulm, por este meio certificam que ao sair da fábrica o apa- relho abaixo mencionado está de acordo com as directrizes harmonizadas da UE, padrões de segurança e de produtos específicos. Este certificado ficará nulo se a unidade for modificada sem a nossa aprovação.

Bezeichnung des Gerätes:


Description of the unit:

Telescopic Hedge Trimmer

Désignation du matériel :

Taille-haies télescopique

Omschrijving van het apparaat: Telescoop-heggenschaar


Teleskopisk Häcksax

Descrizione del prodotto:

Tagliasiepi telescopica

Descripción de la mercancía:

Recortasetos telescópico

Descrição do aparelho:

Tesoura telescópica de





Oznaиenн pшнstroje :

teleskopickй nщћky na ћivэ





Oznaиenie zariadenн :

Teleskopickй noћnice na ћivэ















Art. No.:


Type :


Référence :



THS 400

Art. nr.:


Typ: :



Art. :




Art. Nº:




Art. Nº:


Typ :


И.vэr :


Typy :


Typovй и. :








EU directives:

98/37/EC : 1998

Directives européennes :

2006/42/EC : 2006



EU direktiv:

Direttive UE:


Normativa UE:


Directrizes da UE:


Smмrnice EU :

Smernice EU:





Hinterlegte Dokumentation:

GARDENA Technische Dokumentation


Nach 2000/14/ EG Art. 14 Anhang V

Deposited Documentation:

GARDENA Technical Documentation

Conformity Assessment Procedure:

according to 2000/14/ EC



Art. 14 Annex V


Documentation déposée :

Documentation technique GARDENA

Procédure d’évaluation de la

Selon 2000 /14 /CE

art. 14 Annexe V

conformité :







gemessen / garantiert

Noise level:

measured / guaranteed

Puissance acoustique :

mesurée / garantie


gemeten / gegarandeerd



uppmätt / garanterad

Livello rumorosità:

testato / garantito

Nivel sonoro:

medido / garantizado

Nível de ruido:

medido / garantido

Hodnota emise hluku :

namмшeno / zaruиeno

Hodnota hlukovэch emisiн :

meranб / garantovanб

92 dB(A) / 94 dB(A)


Image 9
Contents Gardena Safety Instructions Where to Use Your Gardena Hedge TrimmerElectrical safety When work is interruptedOperation Environmental InfluencesAssembly FunctionOperation Adjusting the cutting angle of the trimmer blade Connecting the Hedge Trimmer Starting the Hedge TrimmerTroubleshooting MaintenanceCleaning Hedge Trimmer Preparation for StorageService / Warranty Technical DataProdukthaftung 2586 THS98/37/EC 2006/42/ECProhlбљenн o shodм EU 1997Australia

THS400 specifications

The Gardena THS400 is a versatile and powerful telescopic hedge trimmer designed for gardening enthusiasts who seek efficiency and ease of use. With its innovative features and technology, the THS400 stands out in the market, making it a go-to tool for maintaining hedges, bushes, and other greenery with precision.

One of the standout features of the Gardena THS400 is its impressive reach. Equipped with a telescopic handle that extends up to 4 meters, this hedge trimmer allows users to trim high hedges and branches without the need for ladders. This not only enhances safety by reducing the risk of falls but also adds convenience to gardening tasks, enabling users to reach even the most difficult areas effortlessly.

Powered by a reliable 400W electric motor, the THS400 delivers consistent performance with minimal noise and emissions compared to gas-powered alternatives. This electric design is ideal for residential areas where noise regulation is a concern, making the trimmer a more environmentally friendly choice. The adjustable cutting angle of up to 90 degrees further enhances its versatility, allowing users to make clean cuts in various positions and orientations.

The dual-action blade technology is another remarkable characteristic of the Gardena THS400. Its precision-sharpened, laser-cut blades provide smooth and efficient cutting, allowing for reduced vibrations during operation. Coupled with a tooth spacing designed to handle branches up to 26 mm in thickness, this hedge trimmer can tackle even the most robust growth effectively.

Safety is paramount, and the Gardena THS400 includes several features to ensure secure and worry-free operation. The ergonomic design and lightweight construction offer optimal comfort during prolonged use. Additionally, a protective blade cover enhances safety during transport and storage, while the two-handed switch provides an added layer of protection, ensuring that the blades only operate when both hands are on the trimmer.

In summary, the Gardena THS400 is an outstanding tool for anyone looking to maintain their garden effortlessly. With its telescopic reach, powerful electric motor, dual-action blades, and focus on safety, this hedge trimmer is tailored to meet the needs of modern gardeners, making trimming tasks less daunting and more enjoyable.