Grizzly G9948 Inventory Figure, GZVgmiZchdc6gbh, AddhZeVgihckZcidgn#, Suffocation Hazard

Page 11


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Note: If you can't find an item on this list, check the mounting location on the machine or examine the packaging materials carefully. Occasionally we pre-install certain components for shipping purposes.

Inventory: (Figure 2)



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Inventory: (Figure 2)GZVg:miZch^dc6gbh 8 7Figure 2. AddhZeVgih^ckZcidgn#







Figure 2. AddhZeVgih^ckZcidgn#

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Immediately discard all plas- tic bags and packing materi- als to eliminate choking/suf- focation hazards for children and animals.


Image 11
Contents MODEL G9948 37 FOOT SHEAR ss ,EAD FROM LEADBASED PAINTS SECTION 4 ACCESSORIES Table of ContentsSECTION 1 SAFETY SECTION 2 SET UPContact Info INTRODUCTIONManual Accuracy Functional OverviewddiEZYVa IdentificationFigure 1. YZciXVidc# A. Shipping Dimensions ,ddiHZVgMACHINE DATA SHEET Product Dimensions#/5,$5RESULTUIN DEATH ORRSERIOUSOINJURY 3%#4/. 3!&%493AFETYYNSTRUCTIONS FOR -ACHINERY 7,,,RESULT IN DEATH ORRSERIOUSOINJURY $/ ./4//6%22%!#BVciVchiVWain VcYWVaVcXZViVaaibZh#  53%3!!2/5.$%$ %84%.3/..#/2$ 2!4%$4&/2/4%-!#.%!-0%2!%2 !,7!93 ,/#+ -/,% !3%33 & 53%$ % %&/2% /0%2!4. -!#.%29# 5. CAPACITY.CZkZgZmXZZYiZgViZYXVeVX indgihddihZVg# Additional Safety Instructions for Foot Shears1. GUARDS.@ZZeVaa\jVgYhceaVXZVcYc ldg`c\dgYZg# Wear safety glasses dur- ing the entire set up pro- cess SECTION 2 SET UPSetup Safety SetupFigure 2. AddhZeVgihckZcidgn# InventoryInventory Figure GZVgmiZchdc6gbhFloor Load Clean UpPlacement Location Site ConsiderationsFigure6#IneXVaVhiZcZghdgbdjcic\id XdcXgZiZaddgh# Moving & PlacementMounting to Shop Figure 5. Lifting the foot shearHZiHXgZl AssemblyTo assemble the foot shear =c\ZEcGZVgmiZchdc7Vg @cjgaZYHXgZl GZVgHide To install the rear extension arms optional2. I\iZciZhZihXgZlhFigure 11# GZVgmiZchdc6gb Figure 11. chiVaac\gZVgZmiZchdcVgb# ,ddiHZVgCRUSHING AND SEVERING HAZARD Operation SafetySECTION 3 OPERATIONS Basic ControlsFinger Guard Stops & GuidesOperation Overview Shearing TipsTo perform the blade adjustment Hold-Down AdjustmentBlade Adjustment To adjust the hold-downVe9hiVcXZ Figure 19. BZVhjgc\\VeWZilZZcWaVYZh# iZnYd!egdXZZYidiZcZmihiZe#H3153-Pigskin Palm Gloves H3154-Lined Pigskin Palm Gloves SECTION 4 ACCESSORIESH5614-Wire Gauge US Standard Figure 20. *+&-9ZWjggc\idda#Figure 25. BdYZa=*.*-HZZiBZiVaEaZgh# ,ddiHZVg G4956-Super NibblerFigure 24. BdYZa.*+HjeZgCWWaZg# H5958-Sheet Metal PliersLubrication SECTION 5 MAINTENANCECleaning Weekly Maintenance ™ 8aZVcbVXcZ# ™ AjWgXViZbVXcZ#Hnbeidb SECTION 6 SERVICETroubleshooting Operations?VbCji WHXgZl Figure 30.WhXgZladXVidc# Adjusting Blade BowGib Adjustment Figure 28.mVbeaZdVeVeZghZVgiZhi# 7dl7daihdlc# Blade Sharpening ReplacementFigure31# 7aVYZ=Zm7daihddiHZVg SECTIONPARTS Parts BreakdownDESCRIPTION Parts ListPART # Labels Breakdown & List TTTT 8VgY9ZX` =dlYYndjaZVgcVWdjijh4TTTT 6YkZgihZbZci  TTTT gZcYHZcYVgooan8ViVad\idVgZcY EaVXZ HiVbe =ZgZ2,9 .$5342!, .# 0/ /8  %,,.!- 7!  YjgVWainhiVcYVgYhVcYlZdeZndjcZkZgcZZYidjhZihlVggVcin# 7!22!.49 !.$ 2%452.3s 3%#52% /2$%2 ULL #OLORL#ATALOGUYU$IRECT ANDN3AVE WITH RIZZLY nn 4RUSTED 0ROVEN ANDNAAREATE6ALUE #ALL 4ODAYD&ORO! &2%%