OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS FOR | S Cut only from your left to your right. Cutting on | ||||||||||
| right side of the shield will throw debris away | ||||||||
S | Blade Thrust is a reaction that only occurs |
| from the operator. |
| ||||||
| when using a bladed unit. This reaction can | S | Use the shoulder strap and keep a firm grip | ||||||||
| cause serious injury such as amputation. |
| on the unit with both hands. A properly | ||||||||
| Carefully study this section. It is important that |
| adjusted shoulder strap will support the | ||||||||
| you understand what causes blade thrust, |
| weight of the unit, freeing your arms and | ||||||||
| how you can reduce the chance of its |
| hands to control and guide the cutting motion. | ||||||||
| occurring, and how you can remain in control | S Keep feet comfortably spread apart and | |||||||||
| of unit if blade thrust occurs. |
| braced for a possible sudden, rapid thrust of | |||||||
| unit. Do not overreach. Keep firm footing and | ||||||||
| Thrust can occur when the spinning blade |
| balance. |
| ||||||
| contacts an object that it does not cut. This | S Keep blade below waist | level; it will be | ||||||||
| contact causes the blade to stop for an instant |
| easier to maintain control of unit. | ||||||||
| and then suddenly move or “thrust” away | S Do not raise the engine above your waist as | |||||||||
| from the object that was hit. The “thrusting” |
| the blade can come dangerously close to | ||||||||
| reaction can be violent enough to cause the |
| your body. |
| ||||||
| operator to be propelled in any direction and | S | Do not swing unit with such force that you | ||||||||
| lose control of the unit. The uncontrolled unit |
| are in danger of losing your balance. | ||||||||
| can cause serious injury if the blade contacts | Bring the engine to cutting speed before enter- | |||||||||
| the operator or others. |
| ing the material to be cut.If the blade does not | ||||||
S WHEN BLADE THRUST OCCURS | turn when you squeeze the throttle trigger, make | ||||||||||
| Blade Thrust can occur without warning if | sure shaft is fully inserted into the engine. | |||||||||
| the blade snags, stalls, or binds. This is | Always release the throttle trigger and allow | |||||||||
| more likely to occur in areas where it is | engine to return to idle speed when not cut- | |||||||||
| difficult to see the material being cut. By | ting. The blade should not turn while the en- | |||||||||
| using the unit properly, the occurrence of | gine is running at idle. If the blade turns at idle, | |||||||||
| blade thrust will be reduced and the | do not use your unit. Refer to the CARBURE- | |||||||||
| operator will be less likely to lose control. | TOR ADJUSTMENT section or contact your | |||||||||
| authorized service dealer. |
| |
| S | Maintain good firm footing while using the | ||
| unit. Do this by planting feet firmly in a | ||
| comfortable apart position. | ||
| S | Cut while swinging the upper part of your | ||
| body from left to right. |
| S | As you move forward to the next area to cut, | ||
| be sure to maintain your balance and footing. | ||
| |||
S Cut only grass, weeds, andwoody brush up |
| 2 o’clock | ||||||||
| to 1/2 inch (1 cm) in diameter with the weed |
| Cut using the 2 |
| ||||||
| blade. Do not let the blade contact material |
| |||||||
| o’clock to 4 o’clock |
| |||||||
| it cannot cut | such | as | stumps, | rocks, |
| 4 o’clock | ||||
| position of the | |||||||||
| fences, metal, | etc., | or | clusters of | hard, |
| |||||
| blade |
| |||||||
| woody brush having a diameter greater |
| |||||||
| |||||||
| than 1/2 inch (1 cm). |
| |||
S | Keep the blade sharp. A dull blade is more |
| ||||||
| likely to snag and thrust. |
| WARNING: The operator or others | ||||||
S | Cut only at full throttle. The blade will have |
| |||||||||
| maximum cutting power and is less likely to | must not try to clear away cut material with the | |||||||||
| bind or stall. |
| engine running or the blade turning to avoid | ||||
S | “Feed” the blade deliberately and not too | serious injury. Stop engine and blade before | |||||||||
| rapidly. The blade can thrust away if it is fed | removing materials wrapped around blade or | |||||||||
| too rapidly. |
| shaft. |
| ||
WARNING: For each optional at- tachment used, read entire instruction manu- al before use and follow all warnings and in- structions in manual and on attachment.
WARNING: Ensure handlebar re- | Handlebar |
mains installed on upper shaft (engine end of | |
unit) at all times. |