Technical data |
| 326RJX |
Engine |
Cylinder displacement, cu.in/cm3 | 1,50/24,5 |
Cylinder bore, inch/mm | 1,34/34,0 |
Stroke, inch/mm | 1,06/27 |
Idle speed, rpm | 2700 |
Recommended max. fast idle speed, rpm | |
Speed of output shaft, rpm | 8014 |
Max. engine output, acc. to ISO 8893 | 0,9/8400 |
Catalytic converter muffler | Yes |
Yes | |
Ignition system |
Manufacturer/type of ignition system | WalbroMB/SEM AM49 |
Spark plug | Champion RCJ 6Y |
Electrode gap, inch/mm | 0,02/0,5 |
Fuel and lubrication system |
Manufacturer/type of carburetor | Zama C1Q |
Fuel tank capacity, US pint/litre | 1,06/0,5 |
Weight |
Weight without fuel, cutting attachment and guard, Lbs/kg | 9,9/4,5 |
Sound levels |
(see note 1)
Equivalent sound pressure level at the user′s ear, measured 92/98 according to ANSI
Vibration levels |
Vibration levels at handles, measured according to |
At idle, left/right handles, min.: | 1,7/1,5 |
At idle, left/right handles, max.: | 3,9/3,7 |
At max. speed, left/right handles, min.: | 3,5/5,2 |
At max. speed, left/right handles, max.: | 7,2/9,8 |
NOTE! Noise pressure at the user’s ear and vibration on the handles are measured with all the machine’s approved cutting equipment fitted. The table indicates the highest and lowest values.
Note 1: Equivalent noise pressure level is calculated as the
working conditions with the following time distribution: 1/2 idle and 1/2 max. speed.
Approved accessories | Type | Cutting attachment guard, Art. no. | |
| |
Arbor shaft thread M10 |
| |
| |
Plastic blades | Tricut Ø 300 mm | 503 93 | |
| |
Grass blade/grass cutter | Grass | 503 93 | |
| ||
Grass | 503 93 | ||
| |||
| |
| Trimmy H II 1" | 503 97 | |
| |
| Trimmy Fix | 503 97 | |
| |
| Trimmy Hit 1" | 503 97 | |
| |
Trimmer head | Trimmy Hit Pro | 503 97 | |
| |
| Superauto II 1" | 503 97 | |
| |
| S35 | 503 97 | |
| |
| T35, T35x | 503 97 | |
English – 25 |