OTC25 P Operation
Proportional Band 
Proportional Band is a PID parameter that represents the amount of deviation of the controlled variable required to move through the full range, expressed in % of span or degrees of temperature. This para- meter can also be expressed as “Gain” (the wider the band, the lower the gain).
Rate is a PID parameter (Derivative Action) that produces a corrective signal proportional to the rate at which the controlled variable is changing. It is used to correct for overshoot and undershoot.
Reset is a PID parameter (Integral Action) that produces a corrective signal proportional to the length of time and magnitude that the con- trolled variable has been off setpoint. It is used to accommodate load changes.
Heat Cycle Time 
Heat Cycle Time is displayed in seconds, and can be set from 0 to 120 seconds. A setting of zero represents a heat cycle time of 300 mil- liseconds.
Cool Cycle Time 
Cool Cycle Time is displayed in seconds, and can be set from 0 to 120 seconds. A setting of zero represents a cool cycle time of 300 mil- liseconds. This menu parameter will only be displayed if output 2 is configured to be a cool output.
Deviation Band Alarm 
A Deviation Band is a
be turned off or adjusted from 1 to 252° F (1 to 140° C). When the process variable is outside the deviation band, the alarm is indicat- ed by flashing the display (regardless of whether setpoint or actual temperature is displayed and activating an output, if configured as such).
Output 2 Configuration 
Output 2 may be configured as either a control output or as an alarm output for the deviation band alarm. When configured for control, out- put 2 acts as a cool PID output. When configured for an alarm, output 2 is activated when the deviation alarm is active and deactivated when the deviation alarm is inactive.
Display Units 
This allows the operator to have the display indicate either degrees Fahrenheit or degrees Celsius.
Input Type 
Sensor input type may be either a Type J or Type K thermocouple.