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Refer tothe engine instruction booklet provided with the unit.
Install Hose and SprayGun
Connect the spray hose
disconnect coupler on the gun. Connect the hose to the fluid outlet in the same way.
CleaningAccessories ..
For spraying.detergent or other cleaning solution,we
recommend.usingchemicalinjectorkit,See Accessories
For removing rust and old paint we recommend using awatersandblaster. SeeAccessories and instruction manual
Connect To Water Supply
Do notexceed160°F (7OoC) water.temperatureto pump in a direct supply system.
Connecta hose with at least a 3/4 in. (19 mm) ID
fromyourcitywatersupply to theunit's 314 in. garden hose threaded inlet. The supply hose should
.not be more than 5 0 ft. (15 m) long.
MOTE: Fora directsupply .system.your water source at theunit must have a flow rateof
If you: operating conditions are different fromabove.
contact ourCustomerService , Departmentfor assistance.