Pressure Washer Maintenance
Check and Clean Inlet Screen: Examine inlet screen on pump inlet fitting. Clean if clogged replace if torn.
Check High Pressure Hose: High pressure hose can develop leaks from wear, kinking, abuse. Inspect hose each time before use. Check for cuts, leaks, abrasions or bulging of cover, damage or movement of couplings. If any of these conditions exlst, replace hose immediately,.
Check Chemical/Soap Hose: Examine the chemical/ soap hose and clean if c{ogged, Hose should fit tightly Dn pump fitting, Check for leaks and tears.. Replace filter or hose if either is damaged.
Check Gun and Wand; Examine hose connection to gun making sure it is secure. Test trigger by pressing it and making sure it springs back into p{ace when you release iL
Pump Oil
Pump oil level should be checked before each use,
Changing Pump Oil
Oil should be changed after the first 10 hours of opera- tiono Subsequent changes after each 50 hours of opera- tion. To drain oi!, simply remove oi! plug with a adjust- able wrench. The oil plug is located at the bottom of the pump, Dispose of used oil. Property remove pump oil fill plug.. Add 30 weight
•Pull the trigger on the gun and hold
=_Afnenthe water supply is steady and constant, disengage trigger and refasten the wand extension.
Engine Maintenance
• Oil level should be checked prier to each use
or at least every 5 hours of operation° To check oil see Adding Engine Off on page 9.
Changing Engine Oil
For a new engine, change oil after the first 5 hours of operation. Thereafter, change oil after every 50 hours of operation,
Change the oil while the engine Jsstill warm. The oil will flow freely and carry away more impurities. Make sure the engine is level when filling, checking, or changlng oil.
Change the oil as foItows:
. To keep dirt, grass, etc., out of the engine, clean the area around the drain plug and oil plug before removing it.
•Remove the oil drain plug and oil plug, Tilt the engine slightly towards the oil drain to obtain better drainage. Be sure to allow ample time for complete drainage.
Purge Pump of Air and Contaminants
To remove the air from the pump, follow these steps:
=Set up the pressure washer as described in Assembly section and connect the water supply.
• Remove the wand extension from the spray gun_
° Pull the trigger on the gun and he{d.,
To remove the contaminants from the pump_ follow these steps:
•Set up the pressure washer as described in ASSEMBLY section, connect the water supply.
°Remove the wand extension from the spray gun,
•Start the engine according to instructions in the OPERATION section.
-Reinstall the drain plug. Make sure it is tightened securely,
•Fill the crankcase with new oil of the proper type, to up to the thread in the oii port, Pour slowly,
•Reinstall the oil fill cap or plug and tighten securely.