Troy-Bilt 644H manual Safety

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Section1: Safety

7.Takeall possible precautions when leavingthe machine unattended.Stop the engine. Disconnect spark plug wire and

move it awayfrom the spark plug. Be sure both wheels are in the Wheel Drive


8.Before cleaning, repairing, or inspect- ing, stop the engineand makecertain all moving parts havestopped. Disconnect

the spark plug wire and prevent it from touching the spark plug to prevent acci- dental starting.

9.The flap on the tine hood must be down when operating the tiller.

10.Never usethe tiller unless proper guards, plates, or other safety protective devices are in place.

11.Do not run engine in an enclosed area. Engineexhaust contains carbon

monoxide gas,a deadly poison that is odorless, colorless, and tasteless.

12.Keepchildren and pets away.

13.Never operatethe tiller under engine power if the wheels are in the Freewheel position.In the Freewheel position,the wheels will not holdthe tiller backand the revolvingtines could propelthe tiller rapidly, possibly causingloss of control. Always engage the wheelswith the wheel drive pins in the Wheel Drive position before starting

the engine or engagingthe tines/wheels with the Forward Clutch Bail or the

ReverseClutch Control.

14.Beaware that the tiller may unexpect- edly bounce upward or jump backward and be propelled toward you if the tines should strike extremely hard packedsoil, frozen ground, or buried obstacles like largestones, roots, or stumps. If in doubt about the tilling conditions, always use the following operating precautions to

assist you in maintaining control of the tiller:

a.Walk behindand to one side of the tiller, usingone handon the han- dlebars. Relax your arm, but use a secure hand grip.

b.Use a deep depth regulator setting.

c.Use slowerengine speeds.

d.Clear the tilling area of all large stones, rootsand other debris.

e.Avoid using downwardpressure on handlebars.If need be, use slight upward pressureto keep the tines from diggingtoo deeply.

f.Beforecontactinghard packed soil at the end of a row, reduceengine speed and lift handlebarsto raise tines out of the soil.

g.In an emergency, stop tines and

wheels by releasing whichever clutchcontrolis engaged. Do not attemptto restrain the tiller.

15.Do not overload the tiller'scapacity

by attempting to till too deeply at too fast a rate.

16.Neveroperate the tiller at high transport speedson slippery surfaces. Look behind and use great care when backing up.

17.Do not operatethe tiller on a slope that is too steepfor safety. When on slopes, slow down and makesure you have good footing. Never permit the tiller to freewheeldown slopes.

18.Neverallow bystanders nearthe unit.

19.Only use attachments and acces-

sories that areapproved by the manufac- turer of the tiller.

20.Usetiller attachments and acces- sories when recommended.

21.Neveroperate the tiller without good visibility or light.

22.Neveroperate the tiller if you are tired, or under the influence of alcohol, drugs or medication.

23.Operatorsshall not tamper with the engine-governor settings on the machine; the governor controls the maximum safe operating speedto protect the engineand all moving parts from damage causedby overspeed. Authorized service shall be sought if a problem exists.

24.Do not touch engineparts which may be hot from operation. Let parts cool down sufficiently.

25.Pleaseremember: You can always

stop the tines and wheels by releasingthe Forward Clutch control or the Reverse

Clutch control (whichever control you have engaged), or by moving the throttle control lever on the engineto "OFF"or "STOP".

26.To load or unload the tiller, see the instructions in Section4 of this Manual.

27.Useextreme caution when reversing or pulling the machinetowards you.

28.Start the enginecarefully according to

instructions and with feet well awayfrom the tines.

29.Neverpick up or carry a machine while the engine is running.


1.Keepthe tiller, attachments and acces- sories in safeworking condition.

2.Checkall nuts, bolts, and screws at frequent intervals for proper tightness to

besure the equipment is in safeworking condition.

3.Neverstore the tiller with fuel in the

fuel tank inside a building where ignition sources are present such as hot water andspace heaters,furnaces, clothes dryers, stoves, electric motors, etc.). Allow engineto cool before storing in any enclosure.

4.To reduce the chances of a fire hazard, keepthe enginefree of grass, leaves,or excessivegrease.

5.Store gasoline in a cool, well-ventilated

area,safely away from any spark- or flame-producing equipment. Store gasoline in anapproved container, safely awayfrom the reach of children.

6.Referto the Maintenancesections of

this Manual andthe separate Engine Owner'sManualfor instructions if the tiller is to be stored for an extended period.

7.Neverperform maintenancewhile the engine is running or the spark plug wire

is connected,except when specifically instructed to do so.

8.If the fuel tank hasto be drained, do this outdoors.

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Contents TRtlI Bilt Table of Contents EngineinformationFindingmodelnumber CLEVELAND,OH44136Safety Safety Various symbols shown here, with word OperatingSymbolsStartingStabilization Messageonengine HotSurfaces LooseParts List Qty. Description UnpackingInstructionsMoveTiller OffShipping Platform Attach HandlebarAssembly Install ReverseClutch CableCheckLevelof TransmissionGearOil CheckAir Pressurein TiresFlatSide Tiller is shipped withoutoil in the engineWheel Drive Pins Adjustment Anti-ReverseStake Drive Pin on each wheelForward Reverse Clutch ClutchBailControl Ulator To Place the Wheels in WHEELDRIVEorReverseClutchControl Forward Clutch BailTo Operate the ForwardClutchBail To Operate the Reverse ClutchControlHandlebarHeightAdjustment To Adjustthe HandlebarsDepthRegulatorLever Anti-ReverseStakePre-Start Checklist IntroductionInitial Operation Startingand Stoppingthe EngineOperatingthetiller Starting the EngineTurningthe Tiller Around Stoppingthe Tiller and EngineLet the tiller dothe work Avoidtilling soggy,wet soilAvoidmakingfootprints Tilling depthsTilling acrossslopeswithout using terraces Clearingthe tinesTilling on slopes Tilling up and downslopesLoadingand Unloadingthe Tiller Required Maintenance Schedule Procedure Before Eve Each Use Hours Check engineoil level EveryTransmissiongearoil Service CheckhardwareTillerlubrication Checkforoil LeaksRemovingand Installing Tine Assemblies Removingand Installing Individual TinesTines Tine InspectionPosition Checkingand Adjusting Forwarddrive BelttensionTo CheckForwardBelt Tension Forwardclutch Bail Adjustment Checkingand Adjusting Reversedrive BelttensionForwardBelt Replacement Information Reverse Belt Replacement InformationEngineoilservice SparkplugserviceTroubleshooting Problem Possiblecause CorrectionList MODELS644H & 645A Partno DescriptionMODELS644H & 645A GW-55042 GW-1224-3 FRONT11 Description Partno RIGHT-HANDTINE LEFT-HANDTINE Engine Wheelshaft Tine ShaftUtchcable Forward Clutchcable MODELS644H & 645A TROY-BILT Tiller Lifetime Limited Warranty