Section5: Maintenance
Before performing any corrections, refer to the appropriate information in this Manual, or in the Engine Owner'sManual, for the correct safety precautions and operating or maintenance procedures. Contactyour local authorized EngineServiceDealerfor engineservice. Contactyour local authorized equipment dealeror the factory for all other service problems.
Enginedoes | 1. | Sparkplug wire disconnected. | f. Reconnectwire, | |
n_ad. | 2. | EngineThrottle Control Leverincorrectlyset. | 2. | Put leverin STARTposition. |
| 3. | Fueltank empty. | 3. | Addfuel. |
| 4. | Chokecontrol (if so equipped)in incorrect position. | 4. | SeeEngineOwner'sManual. |
| 5. | Stalegasoline, | 5. | Drainfuel and addfresh fuel. |
| 6. | Dirty air filter(s). | 6. | Cleanor replacefilter(s), |
| 7. | Defectiveor incorrectlygappedspark plug, | 7. | Inspect sparkplug. |
| 8. | Carburetorout of adjustment, | 8. | SeeEngineServiceDealer. |
| 9. | MisadjustedthrottIe control cable, | 9. | SeeEngineServiceDealer |
| fO,Dirt or water in fuel tank. | 10. SeeEngineServiceDealer. | ||
Enginerunspoorly. | 1. | Defectiveor incorrectlygappedspark plug, | f. Inspect sparkplug (seeEngineOwner'sManual). | |
| 2. | Dirty air filter(s). | 2. | Cleanor replace(seeEngineOwner'sManual), |
| 3. | Carburetorout of adjustment, | 3. | SeeEngineServiceDealer. |
| 4. | Stalegasoline. | 4. | Replacewith fresh gasoline, |
| 5. | Dirt or water in fuel tank, | 5. | SeeEngineServiceDealer. |
| 6. | Enginecoolingsystemclogged, | 6. | Cleanair cooling system(seeEngineOwner'sManual). |
Engineoverheats. | 1. | Enginecoolingsystemclogged, | f. | Cteanair cooling area(seeEngineOwner'sManual). |
| 2. | Carburetorout of adjustment, | 2. | SeeEngineServiceDealer. |
| 3. | Oil levelis low. | 3. | Checkoil level(seeEngineOwner'sManual). |
Enginedoesnot |
shutoff. | 1. | Misadjustedthrottle control or ignition switch, | f. SeeEngineOwner'sManuaior EngineServiceDealer. | |
WheelsandTines | 1. | Improper use of controls, | 1. | ReviewSections3 and4, |
will notturn. | 2. Worn, broken,or misadjusteddrivebelt(s). | 2. | See"CheckingDriveBelt Tension,"Section5, | |
| 3. | Internaltransmission wearor damage. | 3 | ContactIoealdeaieror thefactory. |
| 4. | Bolt loosein transmission puliey, | 4. | Tightenbolt. |
Tinesturn, bul | 1, Wheel Drive Pinsnot in WHEELDRIVE. | 1. | See"Wheel Drive Pins"in Section3. | |
wheelsdon't. | 2. | Internaltransmission wearor damage. | 2. | ContactlocalDealerorthe Factory. |
WheelsTurn,but | 1. Tine holder mounting hardwaremissing, | f. | Replacehardware. | |
TinesDon't. | 2. | Internaltransmission wearor damage. | 2. | ContactlocalDealerorthe Factory, |
Poortilling | 1, Worn tines. | 1. | See"Tines" (Section5), | |
performance. | 2. | Improper DepthRegulatorsetting. | 2. | See"Tilling Tips & Techniques,"Section4. |
| 3. | Incorrectthrottle setting, | 3. | SeeSection4, |
| 4. | ForwardDriveBelt slipping, | 4. | See"CheckingForwardDrive BeltTension,"Section 5, |