STEP 2: Attach Handlebar
1.Attach the two legs of the handlebar support (A, Fig.
2.Using the middle holes in the handlebar support brackets (Eand F,Fig.
3.Attach the handlebarassembly (K) to the handlebarsupport (A) using four
4.Tighten all handlebar mounting hardware securely.
STEP3: MoveTiller OffShipping Platform
To movethe tiller without the engine running, put the wheels in their FREEWHEELposition, as described below.
1.Usea sturdy block to raise onewheel off the ground.
2.Removethe hairpin cotter (L, Fig.
the wheel hub). Repeatwith the other wheel.
3.Using the handlebaras a lever, roll the tiller to aflat area.
IMPORTANT:Before starting the engine, the wheels must be placed in their WHEEL DRIVEposition (pins through wheel hubs
and wheel shaft). This procedure is described in "Wheel Drive Pins" in
Section 3.
Section2: Assembly
Fig. 2-2: Attach handlebar.