D. Reset Switch
A multifunction reset switch is provided to restore the IQ–P.I.P.–DSPto a prior state. It can be depressed with a straightened paper clip through the small hole in the P.I.P. panel. Press the reset switch for less than 2 sec- onds and all settings, except the amplifier model scale factors, will be reset with “user default” parameters and the Data LED will flash once. (If no “user default” set- tings have been stored, the unit will be reset to the “fac- tory default” settings described next.) Press the reset switch for more than 2 seconds and the same settings will be reset with “factory default” parameters and the Data LED will flash twice. After the unit has been reset to the factory default settings, it will behave like a stan- dard P.I.P.-FXuntil it is reprogrammed by an IQ Sys- tem or it is toggled to the “user default” settings.
WARNING: Pressing the reset switch can cause the IQ–P.I.P.–DSPto emit a brief pulse. We recommend that the level controls of the amplifier be turned down before pressing the reset switch.
E. Data Signal Presence Indicator (DSPI)
The Data Signal Presence Indicator (DSPI) is a Data LED which flashes whenever a valid IQ command has been received. The indicator can also be forced to stay on to aid rapid troubleshooting of the Crown Bus wir- ing.
F. Crown Bus Input Connector
A lockable 5-pin female DIN connector is provided for input connection to the Crown Bus. A mating Switchcraft 502-series connector can be ordered from Crown (part C 7776-5). Pin 1 is negative (–), pin 2 is positive (+), and pin 3 is ground (gnd). Pins 4 and 5 are not used.
G. External Power Input
A mini jack is provided to receive power from an exter- nal 24 VDC, 400 mA source. External power is not needed when the IQ–P.I.P.–DSPis installed in a Macro- Tech 5000VZ or 10,000, a Com-Tech, a Reference or a PIP2-compatible amplifier. However, other Macro-Techmodels may require additional power for the IQ–P.I.P.– DSP. An external 120 VAC power adapter (C 7926-6) is available from Crown. See Section 3.8.
CAUTION: Use only an individual, isolated power sup- ply for each IQ–P.I.P.–DSP. Do not attempt to share a common power supply with more than one unit or the IQ–P.I.P.–DSPmodules may be damaged.
H. Crown Bus Output Connector
A lockable 4-pin female DIN connector is used for output connection to the Crown Bus. A mating Switchcraft 502 series connector can be ordered from Crown (part C 7777-3). Pin 1 is negative (–) and pin 2 is positive (+). Pins 3 and 4 are not used.
I. P.I.P. Edge Connector
The gold-plated edge connector of the top IQ circuit board inserts into the P.I.P. connector inside the back of the amplifier. Use care when installing a P.I.P. mod- ule to be certain that the edge connector is properly inserted into the amplifier’s P.I.P. connector.
J. Amplifier Output Pad Jumpers (JP4, JP5)
These jumpers enable the circuitry that pads the out- put signal feeding the IQ–P.I.P.–DSPso it can be prop- erly scaled. They should normally be set to the “IN” position as marked on the digital circuit board. Use the “OUT” position whenever the unit is installed into a PIP2-compatible or Macro-Tech 5000VZ amplifier.
K. PIP2 SIP Sockets (RN1, RN2)
These eight-pin SIP (single in-line package) sockets are provided for full PIP2 compatibility. IQ-P.I.P.-DSP- PIP2 modules (required for PIP2-compatible amplifiers) should come with the SIP networks already installed. The SIP networks are not required and should be ab- sent on standard IQ-P.I.P.-DSPmodules.
L. IQ Circuit Board (Top)
The top circuit board contains the IQ communication and data acquisition circuitry, including the IQ address switch (SW1), amplifier output pad jumpers (JP4, JP5), PIP2 SIP sockets (RN1, RN2) and the P.I.P. edge con- nector.
M. Audio Circuit Board (Bottom)
The bottom circuit board contains the audio analog and digital signal processing circuitry.
N. IQ Address Switch (SW1)
An 8-section DIP (dual in-line package) switch is used to set the IQ address of the unit (see Section 3.1). This switch is located on the top circuit board. Each IQ com- ponent on a Crown Bus is given a unique IQ address so it can be independently controlled and monitored. Two or more IQ components of the same type should NEVER have the same address on the same Crown Bus loop.