Crown Audio IQ P.I.P.-DSP Memory Backup, Amp Mode, Amplifier Information, 24 IQ2 Protocol Support

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IQ–P.I.P.–DSPProgrammable Input Processor with DSP for IQ Systems

4.21 Memory Backup

A memory backup feature is provided which can be disabled, if desired. The factory default setting is “enabled.” When enabled, it stores all run-time parameters that can be controlled by the IQ software into nonvolatile memory (EEPROM) at approximately one second intervals. When disabled, all run-time parameters are returned to the factory defaults whenever the unit loses power.

CAUTION: Be careful to turn on the memory backup feature if the input attenuators will be used to set critical levels. If the memory backup feature is turned off and the IQ–P.I.P.–DSPloses power, the attenuators will be reset to 0 dB, resulting in the loudest possible signal.

4.22 Amp Mode

The stereo/mono mode of the amplifier can be stored into the unit’s memory so the IQ System is aware of the position of the amplifier’s stereo/mono switch. Storing this setting serves as an “electronic reminder” to the system—however, the stereo/mono mode cannot be controlled with this setting. The modes are Stereo (Dual), Bridge-Mono and Parallel-Mono. This software amp mode setting is controlled by the IQ System.

4.23 Amplifier Information

(PIP2 amplifiers only.) Several items of information about an amplifier can be displayed by the IQ software. These include the manufacturer, model, date code, serial number and revision level. Which items are available depends on both the amplifier and the IQ software used.

4.24 IQ2 Protocol Support

The IQ–P.I.P.–DSPuses Crown’s IQ2 protocol. This makes it possible for the user to design custom graphic display modules to control and monitor the unit with IQ2-compatible IQ software.

4.25 Crown Bus “Drop Out” Relays

“Drop out” relays are provided on the Crown Bus ports to maintain the continuity of the IQ communication loop even if the IQ–P.I.P.–DSPloses power.

4.26 Data Signal Presence Indicator

A Data Signal Presence Indicator (DSPI) is provided on the front panel. It flashes whenever commands addressed to the IQ–P.I.P.–DSPare received. It can be forced to stay on by IQ software to assist with troubleshooting of an IQ System.

4.27 Reset

A recessed reset switch, accessible from outside the P.I.P. panel (see Figure 2.1), enables the IQ–P.I.P.–DSPto be restored to one of two sets of default settings. A straightened paper clip or similar small object is required to press the reset switch.

Press the reset switch for less than 2 seconds and all settings, except the amplifier ID code or user scale factors, will be reset with “user default” parameters and the DSPI will flash once. This feature is only available if “user default” settings have been previously established. If none have, pressing the reset switch for any length of time will cause the unit to be reset to the “factory default” settings as described below.

Press the reset switch for more than 2 seconds and the same settings will be reset with “factory default” parameters and the DSPI will flash twice. After the unit has been reset to the factory default settings, it will behave like a standard P.I.P.-FXuntil it is reprogrammed by an IQ System or it is toggled to the “user default” settings.

WARNING: Pressing the reset switch can cause the IQ–P.I.P.–DSPto emit a brief pulse. We recommend that the level controls of the amplifier be turned down before pressing the reset switch.

4.28 User Default Settings

The parameters for all functions, except the amplifier ID code or user scale factors, can be saved as “user default” parameters. Then, pressing the reset switch for less than 2 seconds will restore all settings to the “user default” values. Please consult the documenta- tion of your IQ software for instructions on setting the “user default” values.

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Reference Manual

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Contents Page Three Year Full Warranty Important Safety Instructions FCC Compliance Notice Crown Audio Division Technical Support GroupQuick Install Procedure Contents Welcome UnpackingFacilities P.-DSPAudio Circuit Board Bottom Installation 3 4 5 6 7Install the IQ-P.I.P.-DSPinto the Amplifier Install the WiringInstall the IQ-P.I.P.-DSPinto the amplifier Prepare the AmplifierAdjust the Levels & Scale Factors Closer Look at Crown Bus Wiring+ + IQ-P.I.P.-DSP Output IQ Component InputCloser Look at Audio Signal Wiring When External Power is NeededOperation Input Signal Attenuator Input Signal Compressor/LimiterSmooth/Output Signal Limiter Polarity InverterAuto Standby Odep LimiterExcessive IOC Warning Excessive Odep WarningFault Warning Signal DelayProgrammable Filters Passband gain Fixed at unityPassband gain Fixed at unity Memory Backup Amp ModeData Signal Presence Indicator ResetAudio Signals Signal Flow Processing see FigureTechnical Information Hardware Processing see FigureIQ System Communications Microprocessors and Reset SwitchControl/Monitor Functions Specifications GeneralCrown Bus Data Communication AudioIQ Address Switch IQ Address TablesIQ Address Switch SW1 Settings from 126 to Reference Manual Service Worldwide ServiceNorth American Service Crown Audio DivisionCrown Factory Service Information