Anritsu MG3690A 54000-4WR15, 54000-5WR15, 54000-4WR10, 54000-5WR10, N120-6, 34RKNF50, ND36329

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Millimeter Wave Accessories


(Requires MG3690A Option 18)








50 to 75 GHz, V Band X4 Multiplier-Source Module (includes A36599 power cable and 3 filters).


50 to 75 GHz, V Band X4 Multiplier-Source Module with internal reference coupler/detector (includes A36599 power


cable, 3 filters, and 560-10BX-2 detector adapter cable).





75-110 GHz, W Band X6 Multiplier-Source Module (includes A36599 power cable and 3 filters).


75-110 GHz, W Band X6 Multiplier-Source Module with internal reference coupler/detector (includes A36599 power


cable, 3 filters, and 560-10BX-2 detector adapter cable).





Semi-rigid cable, N(m) to N(m), 15 cm long, connects synthesizer’s RF output to multiplier’s RF input. (Also requires


34RKNF50 or 34RVNF50 Adapter).













DC to 20 GHz, Ruggedized Type N female adapter for units with a K connector output


MASTER/SLAVE interface cable set





Transit case


IVI Driver, includes LabView® driver





Aux I/O Cable, 25 pin to BNC: Provides BNC access to Aux I/O Data Lines: Sequential Sync, Marker Out,


Bandswitch Blanking, Retrace Blanking, Sweep Dwell In, V/GHz, Horizontal Out.





Economical upgrades are available to upgrade any model to any higher performing model. Consult Anritsu for details.


Image 15
Contents MG3690A Specifications Environmental MIL-PRF-28800F, class Sweep TriggeringGeneral Remote OperationSpectral Purity Spurious Signals10 kHz 100 kHz Single-Sideband Phase NoiseSingle-Sideband Phase Noise dBc/Hz Single-Sideband Phase Noise dBc/Hz OptionRF Output Leveled Output Power RangeUnleveled Output Power Range typical Power level specifications apply at 25 ±10˚CInternal Power Monitor Option Other Output Power SpecificationsCW Power Sweep Sweep Frequency/Step PowerConditionsSpecifications Frequency/Phase Modulation OptionPhase Modulation Parameter Modes Conditions SpecificationsPulse Generator Option Amplitude Modulation OptionLF Generator Option External Pulse Modulation OptionIf Up-Conversion Option User-Defined Modulation Waveform Software OptionScan Modulation Option 54000-4WR15, 54000-5WR15 54000-4WR10, 54000-5WR10 MmW Frequency CoverageMillimeter Wave Multipliers 54000 Series plus Option All performance is typicalP u t / O u t p u t C o n n e c t o r s Inputs and OutputsPulse Modulation EXT ALCModels Ordering Information54000-5WR10 54000-4WR1554000-5WR15 54000-4WR10Discover What’s Possible