| Millimeter Wave Accessories | |
| (Requires MG3690A Option 18) | |
| 50 to 75 GHz, V Band X4 | |
| 50 to 75 GHz, V Band X4 | |
| cable, 3 filters, and | |
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| cable, 3 filters, and | |
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| 34RKNF50 or 34RVNF50 Adapter). | |
| Accessories | |
34RKNF50 | DC to 20 GHz, Ruggedized Type N female adapter for units with a K connector output | |
ND36329 | MASTER/SLAVE interface cable set | |
| Transit case | |
| IVI Driver, includes LabView® driver | |
| Aux I/O Cable, 25 pin to BNC: Provides BNC access to Aux I/O Data Lines: Sequential Sync, Marker Out, | |
| Bandswitch Blanking, Retrace Blanking, Sweep Dwell In, V/GHz, Horizontal Out. | |
Economical upgrades are available to upgrade any model to any higher performing model. Consult Anritsu for details.