General Characteristics
Inputs and outputs
All front panel connectors can be moved to rear with Option 1EM.
Transit case | Part number |
10 MHz input | Accepts a 1, 2, 5, or 10 MHz ±10 ppm [standard timebase] |
| or ±1 ppm |
| operation with an external timebase. Nominal input |
| level |
| [BNC, rear panel] |
10 MHz output | Outputs the 10 MHz reference signal. Level nominally |
| +3.9 dBm ±2 dB. Nominal output impedance 50 ohms. |
| [BNC, rear panel] |
Alternate power input | Accepts CMOS1 signal for synchronization of external |
| data and alternate power signal timing. The damage |
| levels are |
| rear panel] |
Baseband generator | Accepts 0 to +20 dBm sinewave, or TTL squarewave, |
reference input | to use as reference clock for the baseband generator. |
| Phase locks the internal data generator to the external |
| reference; the RF frequency is still locked to the 10 MHz |
| reference. Rate is 250 kHz to 100 MHz, 50 ohms |
| nominal, AC coupled. [BNC, rear panel] |
Burst gate input | The burst gate in connector accepts a CMOS1 |
| signal for gating burst power in digital modulation |
| applications. The burst gating is used when you are |
| externally supplying data and clock information. The |
| input signal must be synchronized with the external data |
| input that will be output during the burst. The burst |
| power envelope and modulated data are internally |
| delayed and |
| CMOS high for normal burst RF power or CW RF output |
| power and CMOS low for RF off. The damage levels |
| are |
| This female BNC connector is provided on signal |
| generators with Option 601 or 602. On signal generators |
| with Option 1EM, this input is relocated to a rear panel |
| SMB connector. With Option 401, this connector is used |
| for the even second synchronization input. |
Coherent carrier output2 | Outputs RF modulated with FM or FM, but not IQ, |
| pulse or AM. Nominal power |
| impedance 50 ohms. Frequency range from > 250 MHz |
| to 4 GHz. For RF carriers below this range, output |
| frequency = 1 GHz – frequency of RF output. Damage |
| levels 20 VDC and 13 dBm reverse RF power. |
| [SMA, rear panel] |
1.Rear panel inputs and outputs are 3.3 V CMOS, unless indicated otherwise. CMOS inputs will accept 5 V CMOS, 3 V CMOS, or TTL voltage levels.
2.Coherent carrier is modulated by FM or FM when enabled.