Agilent Technologies E4438C manual Accessories Inputs and outputs, Transit case

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General Characteristics


Inputs and outputs

All front panel connectors can be moved to rear with Option 1EM.

Transit case

Part number 9211-1296



10 MHz input

Accepts a 1, 2, 5, or 10 MHz ±10 ppm [standard timebase]


or ±1 ppm [high-stability timebase] reference signal for


operation with an external timebase. Nominal input


level –3.5 to +20 dBm, impedance 50 ohms.


[BNC, rear panel]

10 MHz output

Outputs the 10 MHz reference signal. Level nominally


+3.9 dBm ±2 dB. Nominal output impedance 50 ohms.


[BNC, rear panel]

Alternate power input

Accepts CMOS1 signal for synchronization of external


data and alternate power signal timing. The damage


levels are –0.5 to +5.5 V. [Auxiliary I/O connector,


rear panel]

Baseband generator

Accepts 0 to +20 dBm sinewave, or TTL squarewave,

reference input

to use as reference clock for the baseband generator.


Phase locks the internal data generator to the external


reference; the RF frequency is still locked to the 10 MHz


reference. Rate is 250 kHz to 100 MHz, 50 ohms


nominal, AC coupled. [BNC, rear panel]

Burst gate input

The burst gate in connector accepts a CMOS1


signal for gating burst power in digital modulation


applications. The burst gating is used when you are


externally supplying data and clock information. The


input signal must be synchronized with the external data


input that will be output during the burst. The burst


power envelope and modulated data are internally


delayed and re-synchronized. The input signal must be


CMOS high for normal burst RF power or CW RF output


power and CMOS low for RF off. The damage levels


are –0.5 to +5.5 V.


This female BNC connector is provided on signal


generators with Option 601 or 602. On signal generators


with Option 1EM, this input is relocated to a rear panel


SMB connector. With Option 401, this connector is used


for the even second synchronization input.

Coherent carrier output2

Outputs RF modulated with FM or FM, but not IQ,


pulse or AM. Nominal power –2 dBm ±5 dB. Nominal


impedance 50 ohms. Frequency range from > 250 MHz


to 4 GHz. For RF carriers below this range, output


frequency = 1 GHz – frequency of RF output. Damage


levels 20 VDC and 13 dBm reverse RF power.


[SMA, rear panel]

1.Rear panel inputs and outputs are 3.3 V CMOS, unless indicated otherwise. CMOS inputs will accept 5 V CMOS, 3 V CMOS, or TTL voltage levels.

2.Coherent carrier is modulated by FM or FM when enabled.


Image 31
Contents Agilent E4438C ESG Vector Signal Generator Table of Contents Introduction E4438C ESG Vector signal generator DefinitionsKey standard features Optional features Key FeaturesRF reference input requirements Specifications for Frequency and Power CharacteristicsFrequency Sweep modes Internal reference oscillatorLevel range with Attenuator Hold active Output powerPower Level resolutionLevel accuracy with ALC on Level switching speedOption ±0.15 dB ±0.25 dB Repeatability Repeatability and linearityAmplitude dBm Jitter in seconds1, 7 Spectral puritySubharmonics Jitter in µUI1, 7With Option 1E5 Characteristic SSB phase noiseCarrier frequency accuracy relative to CW in DCFM3 Specifications for Analog ModulationResolution FM using external inputs 1 orStandard Specifications for Analog ModulationsPhase modulation 1 Amplitude modulation 1Pulse modulation Wideband AMExternal modulation inputs Internal modulation sourceMinimum burst repetition frequency1 Input voltageOn/off ratio1 Rise/fall time1Input impedance Ω or 600 Ω Full scale input Specifications for I/Q CharacteristicsModulation bandwidth InputsBaseband generator AdjustmentsBaseband outputs Baseband spectral purity ClockBaseband filters Reconstruction filter fixedFIR filter Symbol rate Maximum deviationSymbol rate Frame trigger delay controlData types Specifications for Signal Personality CharacteristicsInternal burst shape control Spurious emissions Cdma2000Enhanced multitone1 802.11a spectral mask typical performance Software settings Source settings89641A settings WlanCustom digitally modulated signals real-time mode 1 Real-time modeCustom modulation Multiframe output data generation Alternate time slot power level controlDownlink error reporting Errors in coded channelsPayload bit error count/rate for raw BER Contains residual bit errors and bit error countGSM/EDGE base station bit error rate test Bert Supported data patterns Bit error rate BER analyzerFeatures Clock rateOperating characteristics Transit case Accessories Inputs and outputsGeneral Characteristics Allows communication with compatible devices Panel SMB connectorsExternal 1 input External 2 inputFalling edge is used to clock the data signal Opposite in polarity 180 degrees out of phaseRelocated to rear panel SMB connectors Symbol sync inputFile transfer to volatile memory LAN connectorWith Option UN7 With OptionAuxiliary I/O connector RS-232 connectorMating connector Frequency options Ordering Information1Performance enhancement options Application literature E4438C ESG signal generation firmware personalitiesE4438C ESG Signal Studio software personalities Related LiteraturePage See the ESG Web page for the latest information Agilent Open