Orion 9843 instruction manual Star-Testing, Telescope, Adjusting the Primary, Mirror

Page 12

the center screw with a larger









the flush screw one full turn,

Phillips head screwdriver (see








and then tighten the adjacent

Figure 9). Turning the screw







raised screw until it is tight









clockwise will move the sec-








as in Figure 11 (do not over-

ondary mirror toward the front







tighten). Look into the focuser







of primary

opening of the optical tube,







mirror clip

and see if the secondary

while turning the screw coun-









mirror reflection has moved

ter-clockwise will move the









closer to the center of the pri-

secondary mirror toward the









mary. You can tell this easily

primary mirror.









with the collimation cap and

When the secondary mirror is









mirror center mark by simply









watching to see if the “dot” of

centered in the focuser draw-

















the collimation cap is moving

tube, rotate the secondary

















closer or farther away from

mirror holder until the reflec-

















the ring on the center of the

tion of the primary mirror is

















primary mirror. Repeat this

as centered in the second-

















process on the other two

ary mirror as possible. It may

















sets of collimation screws, if










not be perfectly centered, but














necessary. It will take a little

that is OK. Now tighten the

















trial and error to get a feel for

three small alignment screws

























how to tilt the mirror in this









equally to secure the second-

















way. When you have the dot

ary mirror in that position.

















centered as much as pos-

If the entire primary mirror

















sible in the ring, your primary

reflection is not visible in the

















mirror is collimated. The view

secondary mirror, as in Figure

















through the collimation cap

8c, you will need to adjust

















should resemble Figure 8e.

the tilt of the secondary mir-

















Make sure all the collimation

ror. This is done by alternately














screws are tight (but do not

loosening one of the three

















overtighten), to secure the









alignment screws while tight-

















mirror tilt.

ening the other two, as depict-

















A simple star test will tell you

ed in Figure 10. The goal is

















whether the optics are accu-

to center the primary mirror

















rately collimated.

reflection in the secondary


















mirror, as in Figure 8d. Don’t









Star-Testing the

worry that the reflection of the


















secondary mirror (the small-


























When it is dark, point the

est circle, with the collimation














telescope at a bright star and

cap “dot” in the center) is off-









Figure 8. Collimating the optics. (a) When the mirrors are

accurately center it in the eye-

center. You will fix that in the

next step.

properly aligned, the view down the focuser drawtube should look

piece’s field of view. Slowly


like this. (b) With the collimation cap in place, if the optics are out

de-focus the image with the

Adjusting the Primary

of alignment, the view might look something like this. (c) Here, the

focusing knob. If the tele-


secondary mirror is centered under the focuser, but it needs to be

scope is correctly collimated,

The final adjustment is made

adjusted (tilted) so that the entire primary mirror is visible. (d) The

the expanding disk should be

secondary mirror is correctly aligned, but the primary mirror still

a perfect circle (Figure 12). If

to the primary mirror. It will

needs adjustment. When the primary mirror is correctly aligned, the

the image is unsymmetrical,

need adjustment if, as in

“dot” will be centered, as in (e).







the scope is out of collima-

Figure 8d, the secondary









mirror is centered under the

tion. The dark shadow cast

by the secondary mirror should appear in the very center of

focuser and the reflection of the primary mirror is centered in

the out-of-focus circle, like the hole in a donut. If the “hole”

the secondary mirror, but the small reflection of the secondary

appears off-center, the telescope is out of collimation.

mirror (with the “dot” of the collimation cap) is off-center.


The tilt of the primary mirror is adjusted using the three sets

If you try the star test and the bright star you have selected is

not accurately centered in the eyepiece, the optics will always

of two collimation screws on the back end of the optical tube.

appear out of collimation, even though they may be perfectly

Adjusting the tilt of the mirror requires a “push-pull” technique

aligned. It is critical to keep the star centered, so over time you

involving adjustment of each set of collimation screws. Loosen



Image 12
Contents Orion SpaceProbe 3 EQ EZ Finder EZ Finder II bracket Table of Contents Parts ListAssembly UnpackingGetting Started Balancing the TelescopeFocusing the Telescope Do You Wear Eyeglasses?Operating the EZ Finder II reflex finder Setting up and Using the Equatorial Mount Aligning the EZ FinderPolar Alignment Understanding the Setting Circles Calibrating the Right Ascension Setting CircleFinding Objects With the Setting Circles Use of the R.A. and Dec Slow-Motion Control CablesUsing Your Telescope Confused About Pointing the Telescope?Choosing an Observing Site Seeing and TransparencyCooling the Telescope Let Your Eyes Dark-AdaptEyepiece Selection 700mm ÷ 25mm =Care and Maintenance Objects to ObserveSpecifications Appendix a Collimation- Aligning the MirrorsCollimation Cap and Mirror Center Mark Aligning the Secondary‑MirrorStar-Testing Adjusting the PrimaryTelescope MirrorAppendix B Cleaning the Optics Cleaning LensesCleaning Mirrors Out of collimation Collimated One-Year Limited Warranty