LG Electronics LGXXXN1C(W)-B3 installation instructions Product Specifications, 745

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Product Specifications

- Electrical and Mechanical Properties

(Rated electrical characteristics are within 10 percent)

Standard Test Condition(STC) : Irradiation 1,000W/m2, Cell temp. 25°C, 1.5AM




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Note : * Relative efficiency reduction by respect to irradiance

**MC4 formal name : PV-KST4 / 6II-UR, PV-KBT4 / 6II-UR

***A safety locking clip (MC PV-SSH4) may be required per article 690 of NEC 2008.

- Dimensions of Modules


Unit: mm / in.

Cross-sectional drawings

Long side frame

Short side frame

Note :*Holder is for the convenient connection of junction box cable,but that does not warranty if it is broken after installed.


Image 9
Contents Installation Instructions Revisions Table Table of ContentsSafety Electrical Installation Before & After InstallationBefore Installation After InstallationDiodes Electrical ConnectionsSeries Connection Parallel ConnectionGeneral Wiring Mechanical InstallationEarth Grounding Module MountingGeneral Information Mounting MethodsLGXXXN1CW-B3 745 Product SpecificationsTransporting and Storage Disclaimer of Liability / DisposalDisclaimer of Liability DisposalWiley Compatibility AppendixRail Important Notes WEEBs Grounding Lugs Cable Clips

LGXXXN1C(W)-B3 specifications

The LG Electronics LGXXXN1C(W)-B3 is a notable addition to the lineup of innovative climate control solutions from LG. It represents the perfect blend of efficiency, modern design, and advanced technology aimed at achieving optimal indoor comfort. With an eye towards sustainability, this model embodies the company’s commitment to promoting energy-efficient appliances that benefit both users and the environment.

At the heart of the LGXXXN1C(W)-B3 is its powerful inverter technology, which adjusts the compressor speed based on the temperature in the room. This dynamic functionality not only ensures a consistent and comfortable environment but also significantly reduces energy consumption compared to traditional units. The inverter system operates quietly, making it suitable for a variety of indoor settings including home, schools, and offices.

The model offers a cooling capacity that caters to larger spaces, ensuring that no corner of the room is left untouched during operation. Users can expect rapid cooling and effective air distribution through its strategically designed airflow systems. This ensures a more even temperature across the room, preventing hot or cold spots and enhancing overall comfort.

Additionally, the LGXXXN1C(W)-B3 integrates advanced air purification technologies that work to improve indoor air quality. Equipped with multi-stage filters, it effectively captures dust, allergens, and pollutants, providing cleaner and healthier air for individuals and families alike. The unit is further enhanced with smart features, allowing users to control settings remotely via a smartphone app. This means adjustments can be made even when no one is home, ensuring energy is used efficiently.

Moreover, the LGXXXN1C(W)-B3 boasts a sleek and modern design that fits seamlessly into any aesthetic. Its compact size and attractive finish make it a stylish choice for any room without compromising on functionality. The user-friendly interface and intuitive controls simplify operation, allowing for a seamless experience whether it's adjusting the temperature, setting timers, or utilizing energy-saving modes.

In conclusion, the LG Electronics LGXXXN1C(W)-B3 is a versatile and high-performance climate control solution, combining cutting-edge technology, user-friendly design, and energy-efficient operation. It serves as a prime example of LG's commitment to excellence in home appliances, delivering comfort and reliability all year round. Whether for residential or commercial use, this model is poised to meet diverse cooling needs while maintaining a focus on sustainability.