Celestron 31056, 31058 instruction manual

Page 62

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Item # 31058-INST 08-02

Price $10.00

Image 62
Contents C150-HD and G-8N Newtonian Page B L E N T E N T S Celestial Photography T R O D U C T I O N How to Use this Manual Word of Caution Newtonian Optical System S E M B L I N G Y O U R N E W T O N I a N T E L E S C O P E Unpacking Your G-8NG-8N C150-HD Setting Up the Tripod Adjusting the Tripod HeightAttaching the Accessory Tray Attaching the Equatorial Mount They are needed later for polar alignmentAttaching the R.A. Slow Motion Knob Attaching the Declination Slow Motion Knob Attaching the Counterweight Bar and Counterweight Attaching the Telescope to the Mount For G-8N Attaching the Telescope to the Mount For C150- HD Removing the Lens Cap Balancing the Telescope in R.ABalancing the Telescope in DEC CompletelyG-8N C150-HD Installing the Finderscope Installing the Eye- piece Technical Specifications Image Orientation ActualVeiw NewtonianViewFocusing Aligning the Finder Your First Look Daytime ObservingNighttime Observing Calculating Magnification Determining Field of View T R O N O M Y B a S I C S Celestial Coordi- nate SystemMotion of the Stars Polar Alignment DefinitionFinding the Pole Latitude Scales Pointing at Polaris Declination Drift Aligning the R.A Setting Circle Polar Alignment FindersL E S T I a L O B S E R V I N G Observing the Moon PlanetsObserving the S u n Observing Deep-Sky ObjectsUsing the Setting Circles Star Hopping Celestial Observing Sky Illumination Viewing ConditionsTransparency SeeingCelestial Observing L E S T I a L P H O T O G R a P H Y Lunar Phase ISO Crescent Quarter 125 Full 250 Short Exposure Prime F o c u sPiggyback Celestial Photography Care and Cleaning of the Optics Collimation L E S C O P E M a I N T E N a N C EOr back out the holder screws more than one 1 to two 2 turns T I O N a L a C C E S S O R I E S Optional Accessories Single Axis Motor Drive System #93518 Themessiercatalog Great Orion Nebula Elliptical Galaxy List of Bright Stars For Further Reading Celestron ONE Year Warranty