Index 101
front panel LEDs 26
gateway, default, defined 62
Gigabit Ethernet interface cards installing 53 specifications
Hardware Accelerator card described 74 installing 53
hardware accessories shipped with the gateway 39
hardware option cards installing 53 specifications 73
See also VPN Router Security Accelerator card, Ethernet interface cards, Hardware Accelerator card, serial interface cards, SSL VPN Module card, WAN interface cards
HSSI WAN interface card cable pinouts 96 connector 96 installing 53
installing DIMMs 57
installing option cards 53
installing the chassis
in an equipment rack 42 on a flat surface 41 prerequisites 38
interfaces, option card, technical specifications 73
interfaces, system, technical specifications 70
Internet Explorer, supported versions 67
IP address for managing the gateway. See management IP address
ISDN BRI S/T interface card cable pinouts 86 connector 85
installing 53
ISDN BRI U interface card cable pinouts 86 installing 53
LAN interface cards installing 53 LEDs
LAN ports, system cable specifications 70 connector 70
LEDs 27
56/64K CSU/DSU WAN interface card 31 ADSL WAN interface card 32
front panel 26
quad T1/E1 CSU/DSU WAN interface card 34 single V.35/X.21 WAN interface card 35 SSL VPN Module 1000 36
system LAN port 27
T1/E1 CSU/DSU WAN interface card 33 used to verify correct installation 25