3.4.5 Quick Power On Self Test
Allows the system to skip certain tests while booting. This will decrease the time needed to boot the system.
3.4.6 First/Second/Third Boot Device
The BIOS tries to load the OS with the devices in the sequence selected. Choices are: "Floppy", "LS120",
3.4.7 Boot Other Device
Choose other device to boot, the choice is "Enabled" or "Disabled".
3.4.8 Swap Floppy Drive
If the system has two floppy drives, choose "Enabled" to assign physical drive B to logical drive A and
3.4.9 Boot UP Floppy Seek
Selection of the command “Disabled” will speed the boot up. Selection of “Enabled” searches disk drives during boot up.
3.4.10 Boot Up NumLock Status
This feature selects the “power on” state for NumLock. The commands are “Off” or “On.”
3.4.11 Gate A20 Option
"Normal": | A pin in the keyboard controller controls GateA20. |
"Fast" (Default): | Lets chipset control GateA20. |
3.4.12 Typematic Rate Setting
The typematic rate is the rate key strokes repeat as determined by the key- board controller. The commands are “Enabled” or “Disabled”. Enabling allows the typematic rate and delay to be selected.
3.4.13 Typematic Rate (Chars/Sec)
BIOS accepts the following input values (characters/second) for type- matic rate: 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 24, 30.
3.4.14 Typematic Delay (msec)
Typematic delay is the time interval between the appearance of two con- secutive characters, when holding down a key. The input values for this category are: 250, 500, 750, 1000 (msec).
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