9)SATAII0/1/2/3 (SATA 3Gb/s Connectors, Controlled by
10)ESATAII0/1 (SATA 3Gb/s Connectors, Controlled by PDC20779)
SATA 3Gb/s can provide up to 300MB/s transfer rate. Please refer to the BIOS setting for the SATA 3Gb/s and install the proper driver in order to work properly.
| Pin No. | Definition |
| 1 | GND |
7 |
| 1 | 2 | TXP | |
| ||||||||
| 3 | TXN |
| ||
1 |
| 7 | 4 | GND |
| 5 | RXN |
| 6 | RXP |
| 7 | GND |
PWR_LED is connected with the system power indicator to indicate whether the system is on/off. It will blink when the system enters suspend mode.
1 |
| |
Pin No. | Definition | ||
| |||
| 1 | MPD+ | |
| 2 | MPD- | |
| 3 | MPD- | |
Only for |
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P4 nForce4 | SLI Series Motherboard | - 28 - |