Set Supervisor/User Password
CMOS Setup Ut
} | Stan dard CM OS Feat ures |
| Load |
} | Adva nced BI OS Feat ures |
| Load Optimiz ed Defa ults |
} | Inte grated Periphe rals |
Set Supervis or Pass word |
| |||
} | Powe r Manag ement S etup |
| Set U ser Pass word |
} | PnP/ PCI Con figuratEnteionsr Passw ord: | Save & Exit S etup |
| |
} | PC H ealth St atus |
| Exit Without S aving |
} | Frequ ency/Vol tage Con trol |
ESC: Quit | higf: Selec t Item |
F8: Q- Flash | F10: Save & Exit S etup |
| Chang e/Set/Dis able Pas sword |
When y ou select this function, the follow ing message w ill appear at the center of the screen to assist y ou in creating a pas sw ord.
Ty pe the passw ord, up to eight characters, and press <Enter>. You will be asked to confirm the passw ord. Ty pe the passw ord again and pr ess <Enter>. You may also press <Esc> to abort the selecti on and not enter a passw ord.
To disable pass w ord, jus t pr ess <Enter> w hen y ou are prompted to enter pass w ord . A mess age "PASSWORD DISABLED" w il l appear to confir m the pass w ord being disabled. Once the passw ord is disabled, the sy stem w ill boot and y ou c an enter Setup fr eely .
The BIOS Setup program allow s y ou to specify tw o separate passw ords:
SUPERVISOR PASSWOR D and a USER PASSWORD. When disabled, any one m ay access al l BIOS Setup pr ogram function . When enabled, the Superv is or passw ord is required for enter ing the BIOS Setup program and hav ing full configuration fields, the User passw ord is required to access only basic items.
If y ou select "Sy stem" at "Passw ord Check" in Adv anc e BIOS Features Menu, y ou w i ll be prompted for the passw ord ev ery time the sy stem is rebooted or any time y ou try to enter Setup Menu.
If y ou select "Setup" at "Passw ord Check" in Adv ance BIOS Features Menu, y ou w ill be prompted only w hen y ou try to enter Setup.
- 31 - | BIOS Setup |