Image (Computer Mode)
Use this function to choose your desired image size.
1 TO 1 : Keep the image with original width- height ratio.
FILL ASPECT : Maintain the original aspect ration of the input signal while enlarging to fill as much of the output display as possible. 16: 9 input on a 4:3 output will result in back bars on the top and bottom.
FILL ALL : The input source will be scaled to fit the projection screen.
1 TO 1
1280 x 800
800 x 600
1280 x 800
1600 x 900
1280 x 800
1024 x 768
If input signal is smaller than LCD resolution, it will keep the original size and aspect ratio.
If input signal is bigger than LCD resolution, it will full all the whole screen and ignore the aspect ratio. ex. 1600x960 is 16:9 signal, but the actual image is 16:10.
If the aspect ratio is different with the LCD, it will keep the input signal aspect and fit the maximun size.
1280 x 800
1600 x 900