Frequently Asked Questions
•Technical Support
oWhere can I find the call centre phone number?
•Boot Problems
oThe message "Operating System Not Found", or
oWhy can't I boot from the floppy disk drive?
oWhat is the difference between a warm boot and a cold boot?
oWhy does my notebook automatically boot up when I receive a phone call?
•Computer Viruses
oWhen did a virus appear for the first time?
oWhat is a computer virus?
oIs my notebook
oWhat are the different types of viruses?
oWhat can I do to keep my notebook
oHow do I connect to the Internet?
oHow do search engines work?
oHow can I narrow down a search on the Internet?
oWhat are the cookies?
oAre cookies a threat to privacy?
oCan a virus attach itself to cookies?
•Digital Video and IEEE 1394 Devices
oIEEE 1394 Devices
oWhat are the benefits of the IEEE 1394 port? o Digital Video
o What is the Digital Video (DV) format? o What are the benefits of Digital Video?
These Frequently Asked Questions are common to a wide range of notebooks; please note that some may not be relevant to your notebook.