Get the facts...
To take full advantage of the Reporter function, the PC you use must be enabled to communicate properly with NetTool. Make sure you install and start the NetTool Blaster and NetTool Toolkit PC software that came with your purchase.
The reporting feature of NetTool enables you to capture device (PC’s, printers, etc) and network configuration data as needed
for documenting your work.
You can save up to 10 reportsAfq51s.bmp on NetTool and later transfer
them to a PC using NetTool ToolKit.
Reporter helps you:
∙Document configurations for groups of users (i.e., Customer Service, Marketing, Tech Support, etc.).
∙Escalate trouble tickets (e.g., document a problem device).
∙View and print data you gather related to setups, moves, adds, or changes.
After saving the reports, you can upload them to a PC for viewing, printing, and storage. NetTool Toolkit uses a pared down web browser to display report data after you have uploaded it. Read the help for NetTool Toolkit to learn more about Reporter.