?* key 8 Apostrophes, typing 9 Arrow keys 7
installing 5 removing 5
Bookmarks adding to a verse 15 viewing 15 deleting all at once 16 deleting singly 16
Changing screen settings 7 search settings 12
Colons, typing 3, 9
Color keys
understanding 3 using 6
Contrast, changing 7 Deleting bookmarks 16 Direction keys 3
Disabling the demonstration 7 Erasing typed characters 9 Expanding searches 13, 14 Finding
Bible verses 9
books of the Bible 8, 9 sections of books 8, 9
viewing multiple notes 15 viewing singly 14
Function keys 3
Headphone jack 4
Help messages 7
footnotes 15 names 10 search words 13
Inflections 14 LIST key 15 M symbol 15 Misspellings, correcting 11 MORE key 13, 14
N symbol 14 Names, hearing 10 New menu 8 NOTE key 14 Numbers
before book titles 9 typing 9
Old menu 8
Ordered searches 12 P symbol 10