Getting Help |
| Getting Help |
▲Viewing a Demonstration
This product comes equipped with a brief demonstration which describes the many features of this product and how to use them. To view the demo, press MENU . Then, highlight the Other menu and select View Demo. (NOTE: If you select View Demo, the product will ask if you wish to reset the scores. If you press N , then the Demo will not run.)
▲Viewing the Rules
Rules for both Blackjack and Video Poker can be found by pressing MENU , highlighting the Rules menu, and then selecting either Blackjack or Video Poker.
The Blackjack rules describe the different betting options, the object of the game, and the strategy of your opponent (i.e., the dealer). The Video Poker rules describe the object of the game, the different winning hand combinations, and their values.
▲Viewing Help
You can view a help message at virtually any screen by pressing HELP . Use the direction keys to read it. To exit help, press BACK .
▲Viewing the Tutorial
To read a tutorial of how to use the main functions and keys of this product, press MENU , and select Tutorial from the Other menu.
▲Changing the Help Language
The Help messages and the Rules are available in English, German, French, and Spanish. To change the Help language, press MENU , and select Help/Rules Language from the Other menu. Then highlight the desired language and press ENTER to select it.
➤Follow the Arrows
The flashing arrows on the right of the screen show which arrow keys you can press to move around menus or view more text.