Demonstration 5 Direction keys 2
Do Not Take If information 8 Dosage 7
Drug profiles finding
using the Drugs menu 6 using the Index 10 using word searches 11
reading 7
using Quick keys 7
Drugs causing a reaction to sunlight 9 Drugs menu 6
Erasing typed letters 11 FCC notice 14 Finding
drug profiles
using the Drugs menu 6 using the Index 10 using word searches 11
drugs causing a reaction to sunlight 9 food and drug interactions 8 general information about a drug 8 health overviews 8
How to Take information 8 incomplete words 12 medical safety tips 9
most important fact about a drug 8 Outline Location of text 10 overdosage 8
Poison Control Centers 9 pregnancy information 8 prescription information 8 recommended vaccinations 9 side effects 8
special warnings 8
Food and drug interactions 8 Function keys 2
General information about a drug 8 Health overviews 8
Help messages 5 Highlighting
menu items 6
spelling corrections 12
words to look up in other books 13 words to search for 12
How to Take information 8
Index menu 10
Installing book cards 4
Key combinations 2
Limited Warranty 15
Medical safety tips 9
Contents 6, 8, 9
Drugs 6