Finding Phrases |
| Finding Inflections |
This product also contains many phrases. You can find phrases simply by entering a single word from a phrase.
1.Select German Phrases from the Topics menu.
2.Type a word in a German phrase (e.g., noch).
3.Press EINGABE (or ENTER ).
4.Hold ✩ and press DN repeatedly to view the next matches.
5.Press CLEAR when done.
This dictionary includes extensive in- flections of nouns, verbs, modifiers, and other words.
1.At the German entry screen, type a German word (e.g., schwimmen).
2.Press FLEKT (red).
These are the principal parts of the verb schwimmen.
3. Press | or SPACE to read. |
4.Press FLEKT (red) repeatedly to view more inflections.
5.Press CLEAR when done.
➤Getting Grammar Guidance When viewing inflections, you can press HILFE (or HELP ) to view detailed descriptions of how to use inflections, with usage examples.