Before You Start
Test Print
To check the communication settings of the printer, print a PRINTER
CONFIGURATION Test Print as follows:
•While the Printer is NOT printing, from the Web PMT, accessed through a web browser installed on your workstation, select PRINTER DEFAULTS, TEST PRINT.
•Select the Minimal button to get a Configuration test print.
•Select the Back arrow to return to the Test Print choices screen.
•You can now exit the Web PMT by closing your web browser. Notes:
You can also print a test print from the UTILITIES menu of the 8825/8830/8850 Printer Control Panel, as explained in the XES Synergix 8825/8830/8850/8855 System Introduction for Firmware 7.0.
Note that the POSTSCRIPT LICENSE must be PRESENT in order to print with this driver.
Figure 1. Typical Printer
Configuration Test Print
XES Synergix 8825/8830/8850/8855 Windows NT 4.0 PostScript Print Driver User Guide | 3 |