How to convert full color to highlight color
Because many documents submitted to DocuPrint NPS support full color, you may try to print a document that specifies colors that a highlight color DocuPrint NPS cannot print. When DocuPrint receives a
To control color conversion in your document, you can use the map color option, also called extraction color, to specify which color in a full color document you want to print, using the available highlight color. Colors you do not specify in the map color option print as shades of gray.
You can make the map color differ from the highlight color so red parts of a document are printed as green, or blue portions are printed as red, and so forth.
The highlight color rendering algorithm enables you to specify the qualities of a document that are the most important to preserve. The highlight rendering attributes allow you to distinguish between different colors, to use preset color tables, and to apply pictorial mapping for pictures and presentation mapping for other objects.
Note: To determine the RGB values of a given highlight color, use the List Options command. When using the Pictorial highlight color rendering algorithm, the RGB value given will saturate on the page. When using the presentation algorithm, the RGB value will not be saturated.
Color substitution
If the print document calls for a color that requires a dry ink that is not installed in the printer, the Printer Controller acts according to the current color substitution parameters.
The options for color substitution with the color mismatch action are:
At your client workstation, you can specify these color substitution options when submitting a job to DocuPrint.