Xerox 4230/MRP, 4220/MRP, 4219/MRP, 4215/MRP manual

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Contents Xerox Page Canada Installation cautionSafety Laser safety Europe 50 Hz, 220 240 V equipmentAvoid Direct Exposure to Beam 50hz. Configuration 60hz. Configuration Do not do this Operational safetyDo this Safety feature Configuration of ELCI/RCD Window Reset buttonApprovals and certification 60 Hz, 115International configuration of ELCI/RCD Window Reset button Page Table of contents Function Selection via Line FSL commands Xiii Xiv Font support and selection Error handlingConfiguration and sysgen samples Configuration and Resource Utility MVS AppendicesGlossary IndexGLOSSARY±1 INDEX±1Page Text conventions About this manualConventions Procedure conventions GSMEnter print BoldKeyboard key Procedure conventionsÐpersonal computer PCWindow messages Page Overview and printer setup Emulated printersXerox printer Printer Model Type SpeedCPI LPI Character setsMRP Family user interface interaction with coax interface Features and compatibilitiesPrinter setup Print Language Setup HP LaserJet Emulation Mode For A4 paper use Configuring the Coax interface card Sets the default paper sizeSets the default print language ST1Checking the interface configuration SizePrint language Printer address and emulationSample of a Coax Interface Configuration Report FSL cross reference for the coax configuration Command Numbers and namesMRP Family delete current job capability Data stream commands DSC control codesCommand summary and comparison DSC command descriptions Carriage Return CREnd of Message EM Form Feed FFNull NUL Reserved codesCommand summary SCS data stream structureSupported SCS commands SCS command comparisonSCS coax Command descriptionsBack Space BS Enable Print ENP Bell BELGraphic Escape GE Horizontal Tab HTInhibit Print INP RememberInterchange Record Separator IRS Line Feed LFPresentation Media PPM 2BD2nn48xxxxxxsddoddxxxxxxxxSet Attribute SA Extended highlighting definitionsColor definitions Character Set definitionsSet Graphic Error Action Sgea 2BC803gropSet Horizontal Format SHF 2BC1nnhhlmrmht...tnOne-byte number that specifies the column Set Line Density SLD Set Print Density SPD Set Vertical Format SVF 2BC2nnvvvtmbmvt1...tnOne-byte number that specifies the first print Transparent TRN Vertical Channel Select VCSVertical Tab VT Page Setting levels Storing and reading settingsActions at power up Function Selection via Line FSLUsing FSL escape character FSL escape characterTypes of FSL escape character PermanentFormat of FSL escape sequences Removing FSL escape characterGeneral syntax of an FSL command FSL commandsFSL types FSLSet IBM Buffer Size FSL Common command features HEX ESCÐSingle Paired Hex TransparentESC-ESCÐMultiple Paired Hex Transparent T4ÐPrintout Settings T1ÐOffline Hex Dump Pcia DumpT2ÐOnline Hex Dump T3ÐOnline Ascii Hex DumpT6ÐCancel Online Ascii Hex Dump X0ÐSet Printer in Hold ModeT5ÐPrintout Character Set WÐPrint Bar CodeX2ÐRestore Settings from Permanent Storage X3ÐRestore Factory Default SettingsX4ÐRestore Settings from Permanent Storage Y1ÐSet IBM Buffer SizeLPI Y2ÐSet Default LPI@Y2, n@ Y3ÐSet Default CPI Y4ÐSet Default Line Spacing single/double@Y3, n@ @Y4,n@Y5ÐSet Default Maximum Page Length MPL @Y5,n@Y6ÐSet Default Maximum Print Position MPP Y7ÐSet Case mono, dual@Y6, n@ @Y7, n@Y8ÐSet LU1 Language @Y8, n@Y9ÐSet Default Print Quality @Y9, n@Y10ÐSet Page Format @Y10, n1, n2@Y11ÐSet Default Paper Path @Y11, n1, n2@Utility PCL parameter to 4220/MRP Y11, n1 Esc&I#H 4230/MRPFunction Selection VIA Line FSL Commands PCL Y12ÐSet Default Paper Size@Y12, n1 ,n2@ PCL5 Y13ÐSet Wrap/Cut Option at Physical Paper Size@Y13, n1 , n2@ Y14ÐEnable Graphic Option Y19ÐSet Simplex / Duplex@Y14, n@ @Y19, n@Y25ÐFF Before Local Copy @Y19, 1@@Y10,1@ @Y25, n@@Y26, n@ Y26ÐFF After Local CopyExample @Y25, 1@ sets Form Feed Before Local Copy Example @Y26, 1@ sets Form Feed After Local Copy Y27ÐNon-SCS Print Image @Y27, n@Carriage Return CR is received at MPP+1 Y28ÐNon-SCS, CR at MPP +@Y28, n@ Received at MPP+1 Y29ÐNon-SCS, NL at MPP +@Y29, n@ On the next form Y30ÐNon-SCS, Valid FF Followed by Data@Y30, n@ Next form Y31ÐNon-SCS, Valid FF at End of Print Buffer@Y31, n@ Y32ÐNon-SCS, FF Valid @Y32, n@Y33ÐNon-SCS, Automatic Function at End of Job @Y33, n@Y34ÐLast LF on Page Sent as FF Y36ÐSuppress IBM Control Code@@Y34, n@ @Y36, n@@Y37, n@ Valid SCS codes Code Command name Ebcdic HexY37ÐIBM Printer Emulation Select Y38ÐIBM Communication Feature Query, EAB Y44ÐSuppress CR and SP to Same Position@Y38, n@ @Y44, n@Y46ÐSet IRQ Timer @Y46, n1 , n2 , n3@Y47ÐESC-Mode Selection @Y47, n @@!ascii ascii@Y49ÐRestrict Access of Temporary and Permanent Settings @Y49, n1 `password@Y48ÐSet Permanent Escape Example 1 @Y249, FOREST@ @Y253, 1@Y51ÐUser Strings at Power Up Y50ÐFF After Time Elapse@Y50, n@ Print bufferY57ÐUser-defined String Before Local Copy Y58ÐUser-defined String After Local CopyDef. no Y59ÐBar Code Definition@Y59, Def. no., Bar code type, Height ,Expansion@ Bar code types second digit explained UPC and EANY60ÐFont Link for GFIDs Example @Y59, 1, 29, 9, 2@ @W1, LaserJet@@Y60, n1, n2@ CPIGfid = Pitch equivalence GfidPitch PSMY61ÐSetup for User-defined Strings Pitch choices Original pitch Selected pitch@Y61, n, string@ String@Y62, n, string@ Y62ÐSetup for IBM-defined StringsExample 2 @Y61, 5, 1B*c300A*c30B1B*c0P@ Attributes # String Choice for PCL StringCPI 140 Draft 141 18 Near Letter Quality 142 Correspondence HMI LAC 10 CPILAC 15 CPI Y73ÐSelect Translate Table Y72ÐReset Translate TableY71ÐCreate Translate Table Y74ÐDefine Symbol Set String Y75ÐOverwrite Translate Table@Y74,string no.,HEXdata@ @Y75, n1, n2, data n1,n2, data@@Y76,table number@ Y76ÐCreate APL Translate TableOverwrite methods available Y77ÐReset APL Translate Table Y78ÐSelect APL Translate Table@Y77,table number@ @Y78,table number@Y80ÐOverwrite APL Translate Table @Y80, n1, n2, data n1, n2, data@Y89ÐEnable Page Offset Y88ÐDefine Page Offset@Y88 n1, n2 ,n3@ @Y89, n1 ,n2@Y90ÐDefine User Escape String @Y90, n1, n2@@Y91, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5 ,n6@ Y91ÐGFID/Font Select SetupExample @Y90, 1A, `ABCD 8F, `@Y8, 4@ @ exchanges future IBM Gfid Gfid PitchTypographic Y94ÐTypeface Strings Y92ÐPoint Size StringsY93ÐAttribute Strings @Y96, GFID@ Y98ÐEnable Automatic Page Orientation APO SupportY96ÐGFID Select @Y100, n1 , n2@ Y100ÐPrinter Share String and TimerTimeout Y249ÐEnter Engineering Mode Y119ÐEnable/disable automatic paper size configurationY120ÐSetting Printout at Power Up Y253ÐAllow passwords Placing commands in the data streamLayout functions ZÐSend User-defined StringsOrientation algorithm COR END YESEND YES Logical Page Size LPL TBMLBM LPWFunction Selection VIA Line FSL Commands Page Supported fonts Included fonts3816 emulation fonts and their corresponding GFIDs Font name FONT000APrint density to Gfid mapping Global Font Identifiers GFIDsGfid to PCL font mapping Character per inch CPI Gfid interval and related pitchPrint Density Font selection using printer resident PCL fonts Font selection via FSL in coaxXXX Selecting COR fontsXxxyy Typo Character setsCOR font mapping Characters per inch CPI Selection Page IBM error types Error code descriptions Error typeRecoverable printer errors FSL error messagesRecoverable errors Recoverable errors Code Error type Code descriptionNonrecoverable hardware errors Code Error Code Description Nonrecoverable hardware errorsRecoverable errors Code Error Code Description Page Coax printers line configurations HostConfiguration and Sysgen Samples Sysgen samples Sample IO Gen for the 3174/3274Ðnon-SNA controller Sample NCP GenÐGroup, Line, PU, and LU definitionsÐ3274-61C JES/328X print facility parameters Sample NCP GenÐGroup, Line, PU, and LU definitionsÐ3276-CModetab Modeent LOGMODE=S3270 Page Configuration and Resource Utility MVS Installing your Configuration and Resource UtilityXxxxxxxx JOB Uuuu CartConfiguration and Resource Utility MVS LOADINST,CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=X UNIT= CART,LABEL=2,SL,,,EXPDT=98000DD DSN=XMRP.V1R2M1.CFGDLIB Copy INDD= CART,OUTDD=TARGETDD DSN=XMRP.V1R2M1.LINKLIB DISP=,CATLG,DELETE,UNIT=3380DCB=RECFM=U,BLKSIZE=6144 DD DISP=SHR,DSN=XMRP.V1R2M1.LOADManaging fonts Loading fonts 3816 emulation fonts Font nameAccessing the Font List screen Managing formsLoading Xerox forms Accessing the Form List screenManaging lists of resources Downloading Ascii files Accessing the List Manager screenLoading lists of resources VPS 6.2 transparency Configuration Description ListAccessing the Configuration Description List screen Configuration and Resource Utility MVS Creating a configuration file 00005A PDS Member not FoundCreating the User-created FSL Modifying and loading a configuration fileModifying a configuration file Configuration in the VM environment Deleting or copying a configuration fileLoading a configuration file Please Enter Printer DestinationConfiguration and Resource Utility components Selecting functionsFunction keys Keys Name Description BackwardAccessing the MVS Ispf Primary Option Menu Invoking the Configuration and Resource Utility == TSO Exec XMRP.V1R2M1.CLISTXRSCMNUCreate Configuration Description TSO Exec `XMRPV1R2M1CLISTCRTCFGDYES NONE,YES,NO FF After Time Elapse TSO Exec `XMRPV1R2M1CLISTCHGCFGDmember name Change Configuration DescriptionSaving a Create Configuration Description Refer to -2 for a description of the function keys Clist code listings Saving a Change Configuration DescriptionHandling error messages Listing configuration descriptionsLoading configuration descriptions Creating configuration descriptionsChanging configuration descriptions Command XMRPV1R2M1CLISTLDXRXFNT Proc 2 Fntname DestAlloc DAXMRPV1R2M1FNTLIB&FNTNAME Ffont Reuse CALLXMRPV1R2M1LOADLDXRXFNTPage Font and code set tables Table A-1.PCL Translate Codepage 500 to Roman Table A-2.PCL Translate Codepage 500 to PC Table A-3.PCL Translate Codepage 500 to Ecma Font and Code SET Tables Table A-5.PCL Translate Codepage 500 to Ascii Bit Equivalent to PCL translate table Table A-7.PCL Translate Codepage 500 to OCR B Table A-8.PCL Translate Codepage 500 to PC-850 RSP NSP Table A-10. Code Table A-11.Code Page 274ÐBelgian Table A-12.Code Page 275ÐBrazilian Table A-13.Code Page 276ÐFrench Canadian RSP Table A-14.Code Page 277ÐDanish/NorwegianTable A-15.Code Page 278ÐFinnish/Swedish Table A-16.Code Page 280ÐItalian Table A-17.Code Page 281ÐJapanese Latin characters Table A-18.Code Page 282ÐPortuguese Table A-19.Code Page 284ÐSpanish/Spanish speaking Table A-20.Code Page 285ÐU.K. English Table A-21.Code Page 297ÐFrench Table A-22.Code Page 500ÐMultinational Table A-23.APL character assignment in EBCDIC-SNA mode NUL Table A-24.DSC code page EBCDIC-DSC modesTable A-25.DSC APL character assignment Table A-26.APL character assignment EBCDIC-DSC Font and Code SET Tables DSC option defaults DSC option defaults 4214 4028 Default 4215/MRP coaxSetting Default settings 3262 3268 3287 3812/16 4245 6262 4220/4219 DSC optionCommand summary Table C-1.DSC Commands Name CodeTable C-2.SCS commands Name Code MPP Commands Description of feature DefaultMPL Description of feature Command Default EABXx = Description of feature Command Default Communications buffer Pcia`0FFF` `1FFF`Address Function Description Printer Output AreaPrinter output area Output area Control Unit Output Area Control unit output areaSCS Coax Communications Buffer Orders AbortSystem Status Available SSA Print order processingDSC print order processing Field Attribute FA character definitions Bit Table D-5.Extended field attribute EFA Bit Value DescriptionTable D-6.Character attribute CA IBM Typeface Symbol Set PointTable E-1.PCL fonts and equivalent IBM GFIDs Font name EAN/UPC Equivalent IBM GFIDs Font name Dutch 601 Bold 1405 FSL Y14 FSL Y37 FSL Y38 Table F-1.Recommended settings IBM printersMRP Family Font Formats Printing a separator page between jobs Sending data to multiple portsHelpful Hints Page Query replies Query Replies 0BÐ0E CPI C6 MPPDC MPP Lcid = APL Byte Value Hex Description 0AÐ0B0CÐ0D 0EÐ0FTable G-6.Highlight reply Byte Value Hex Description 0BÐ0CTable G-10.Data streams reply Table G-8.Save restore Reply Byte Value Hex DescriptionTable G-9.Data chaining reply Byte Value Hex Description 0DÐ0E 0C FF1AÐ1B 1CÐ1DRelated publications Xerox MRP Family publicationsInternational Publication Number LanguageTCP/IP IBM publications Other publicationsRank Xerox documentation numbers Rank Xerox documentaion Numbers Publication LanguageTRNCLASS=A,C,35 VPS remote configurationOverview of VPS FCB Support = no Group Definitions Grpname = Usmg 42XX/MRP transparencySepinfo = USEREX01 JES Sysout Selection Criteria PCL forms overview SYSUT1 DD DSN = JK12345.FSLFILE.Y37,DISP = SHR· FORMFIXC.EXE · FORMFIXC.SYS · READMECX.DOC Using FormFixC to create macrosInstalling FormFixC Implementing FormFixC Macro IDTransferring a macro to the IBM host Sending a PCL macro to the printerSYSUT1 DD DSN = JK12345.PCLFILE.INVOICE,DISP = SHR \COPY /B INVOICE.PCL LPT1Line Overlay commandMerging variable data with a single form macro Line Line N Call commandSYSUT1 DD DSN = JK12345.EBCDIC.VARDATA2,DISP = SHR Merging variable data with different forms macros Switching form orientation Limitations SpacePage Glossary BSC COR CuoaDOS DSCEAB EbcdicEFA GSM HP PCLIpds IRQLPL LU1GLOSSARY-8 Xerox MRP Family Coax Command Reference OEM OS/VS2PA1 PA2RAM PDLPOA ROM SCSSNA SSATroubleshooting ThroughputTypeface Utility PagesIndex NumeralsIndex Xerox MRP Family Coax Command Reference INDEX-3 INDEX-4 Xerox MRP Family Coax Command Reference FSL, GLOSSARY-5 GDDM, 1-2, GLOSSARY-5IRQ, 3-38, GLOSSARY-6 GLOSSARY-8 MSA + ML-1, D-9, GLOSSARY-8GLOSSARY-7 LPL, 3-68, GLOSSARY-7PCL 5, 1-1, 1-3, GLOSSARY-9 font, E-1 to E4t Xerox MRP Family Coax Command Reference INDEX-9 INDEX-10 Xerox MRP Family Coax Command Reference Valid INDEX-12 Xerox MRP Family Coax Command Reference Alternate Media Order Card Business Reply Mail T T E D
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4220/MRP, 4219/MRP, 4215/MRP, 4230/MRP specifications

The Xerox 4219/MRP, 4220/MRP, 4215/MRP, and 4230/MRP are multifunction printers designed for businesses that require efficient printing, copying, and scanning solutions. These models exemplify Xerox's commitment to quality, reliability, and user-friendly features, making them ideal for both small and medium-sized enterprises.

One of the main features of these models is their versatility. They handle a wide range of paper formats, from letter-sized documents to larger legal-sized prints, and support various media types, including glossy and plain paper. This flexibility allows businesses to produce everything from basic documents to vibrant marketing materials without the need for multiple devices.

The Xerox 4219/MRP is noted for its compact design, making it suitable for office environments with limited space. It offers a robust printing speed of up to 19 pages per minute, ensuring fast document output. It incorporates advanced digital technology, ensuring that each print is sharp and clear, providing excellent image quality for both text and graphics.

In contrast, the Xerox 4220/MRP features enhanced printing speed, reaching up to 20 pages per minute. This model is ideal for teams that require higher volumes of prints on a daily basis. Both the 4219 and 4220 models come equipped with intuitive touch-screen controls, simplifying user interactions and minimizing training time.

The Xerox 4215/MRP stands out with its affordability and energy efficiency. This model is designed for budget-conscious businesses without compromising performance. It features automatic duplex printing, which reduces paper usage and cuts down operational costs. Its compact build and easy installation process make it a practical choice for any workspace.

The Xerox 4230/MRP, on the other hand, is designed for higher productivity needs, boasting a printing speed of up to 30 pages per minute. It incorporates advanced connectivity options, including wireless printing capabilities, mobile printing support, and integration with cloud services. This feature enables employees to print from various devices seamlessly, enhancing workflow efficiency.

All four models utilize Xerox’s proprietary imaging technology, ensuring exceptional image quality and consistent performance over time. They also come equipped with security features to protect sensitive information, such as password-protected printing and user authentication protocols.

In summary, the Xerox 4219/MRP, 4220/MRP, 4215/MRP, and 4230/MRP offer a range of features suitable for different business needs, from high-volume printing to cost-effective solutions. Their advanced technologies, user-friendly interfaces, and robust performance make them reliable choices for any modern office.