Using the Belkin Wireless LAN Monitor Utility
When you launch the Wireless LAN Monitor Utility (the Utility), you will be presented with the screen below. The following small icon will also be present in your system tray.
Status Tab
When the utility is on your desktop, you can control your USB adapter through the utility. The first tab you will see is the “Status” tab. From this tab you can see your current connection status on the screen. The example below shows that there is a connection between the computer and the Wireless Router (or Access Point) by displaying 1’s and 0’s between the two. The diagram below also shows there is a connection between your computer, the Wireless Router (or Access Point), and the Internet by displaying 1’s and 0’s between the Wireless Router (or Access Point) and the Internet.
1’s and 0’s displayed here indicates a connection
If there is no connection between the computer and Wireless Router (or Access Point), an “X” will be displayed. This is the same for the Internet connection.