Sometimes you may wish to stay in expanded print for more than one line. Change your program to this:
10 ' Demo of permanent expanded mode
20 LPRINT CHR$(27);"Wl";
30 LPRINT "Permanent expanded"
40 LPRINT "mode stays on until"
50 LPRINT "it is ";
60 LPRINT CHR$(27);"WO";
70 LPRINT "turned off."
Now the results look like this:
When you turn on expanded print with (ESC) “W” 1 it stays on until you turn it off with (ESC) “W” 0.
Expanded print commands
nCondensed print
Each of the print pitches also can be condensed to its normal width. This is called condensed print. Try this program to see how it works:
10 ' Demo of condensed print
20 LPRINT "Demonstration of ";
30 LPRINT CHR$(l5);
50 LPRINT CHR$(18);
60 LPRINT 11printing."