Federal Communications Commission
Radio Fre uency Interference
s tatement
This equipment generates and uses radio frequency energy and if not installed and used properly, that is, in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, may cause in- terference to radio and television reception. It has been type tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B computing device in accordance with the specifications in Subpart J of Part 15 of FCC Rules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference in a residential installation. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
*Reorient the receiving antenna
*Relocate the cornouter with resoect to the receiver *Move the computkr away from ‘the receiver
*Plug the computer into a different outlet so that computer and receiver are on dif- ferent branch circuits.
If necessary! the user should consult the dealer or an experienced radio/television techni- cian for additional suggestions. The user may find the following booklet, prepared by the Federal Communications Commission helpful: “How to Identify and Resolve Radio- TV Interference Problems.” This booklet is available from the U.S. Government Prin- ting Office, Washington, D.C., 20402, Stock No.
For compliance with Federal Noise Interference Standard, this equipment requires a shielded cable.
This statement will be applied only for the printers marketed in U.S.A.
Self Declaration
Radio interferences regarding this equipment has been eliminated according to Vfg 1046/1984 announced by the DBP.
DBP has been informed about the introduction of this special equipment and has been conceded the right to examine the whole series.
It is upon the responsibility of the user to assume that his own assembled system is in ac- cordance with the technical regulations under Vfg 1046/1984.
To observe
The equipment may only be opened by qualified service representatives.
This statement will be applied only for the printers marketed in West Germany.
Trademark Acknowledgement
Apple II : Apple computer Inc.-
IBM Personal Computer, IBM PC: International Business Machines Corp.
Microsoft BASIC: Microsoft Corporation
*All rights reserved. Reproduction of any part of this manual in any form what- soever, without STAR’s express permission is forbidden.
*The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice.
*All efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of the contents of this manual at the time of going to press. However, should any errors be detected, STAR would be
eatly appreciate being informed of them.
•F he above notwithstanding, STAR can assume no responsibility for any errors in this manual.
@Kopyright 1986 Star Micronics Co., Ltd.