This command can be used to produce
which is a method of justifying lines by increasing the space be- tween each character.
nRepeat characters
This printer has a command that automatically repeats characters for you. Try this program to see how it works.
10 ' Demo of character repeat
20 LPRINT CHR$(27);"V";CHR$(4);
30 LPRINT "This line shows Repeat characters."
40 LPRINT CHR$(27);"V";CHR$(O);
50 LPRINT "And this is not."
In this program, line 20 selects the 4 times repeat with (ESC) 7” CHR$(4) command. And line 30 sets the characters for repeating. Then line 40 terminates this command with (ESC) “V” CHR$(O). The results from this program look like this.
This line shows Repeat characters. This line shows Repeat characters. This line shows Repeat characters. This line shows Repeat characters. And this is not.
Printing direction commands
Function | Control code |
Printinonedirection | (ESC)“U"l |
Printinbothdirections | (ESC) “U"0 |
One timeprintinonedirection(ESC) “("