TRENDnet User’s Guide
Configuring IPv6 on your router
Network > IPv6 Setting
IPv6 is the latest Internet Protocol (IP) that uses a new addressing system that offers more addresses that the current IPv4 standard. Your router supports this latest
technology and can be configured with the following connection types. Stateless DHCPv6, Stateful DHCPv6,
Note: In order to avoid any software conflict, please be sure to remove or disable any PPPoE client software on your computer when using the PPPoE connection type.
1.Log into your router management page (see “Access your router management page” on page 24).
2.Click on Network, and click on IPv6 Settings.
3.Review the IPv6 settings.
•Static: Please select this connection type if your ISP provides you with a set of IPv6 static addresses. Configuration settings, such as IPv6 address, Default Gateway, Primary DNS Server, and Secondary DNS Server, and Subnet Prefix Length are required and will be entered manually. Please contact your local ISP for all relevant information.
o Use
o WAN IPv6 Address: When using
Subnet Prefix Length: Please leave the default at 64
Default Gateway: Your local ISP will assign this address to you
Primary DNS Server: Your local ISP will assign this address to you
Secondary DNS Server: Your local ISP will assign this address to you
LAN IPv6 Address: This will be the IPv6 address assigned to your router
LAN Prefix Length: LAN Prefix Length will be displayed here
oAutoconfiguration Type: Set up IPv6 Autoconfiguration in this section in order to have IPv6 addresses assigned to the clients on the local area network. The options are Stateless Auto, Stateless DHCPv6, DHCPv6 (Stateful). Stateless Auto: When connected to an IPv6 network utilizing ICMPv6 (Internet Control Message Protocol version 6) router discovery messages, IPv6 hosts will be configured automatically. Stateless DHCPv6: A stateless DHCP server will only provide configuration information to the nodes and will rely on ICMPv6 (Internet Control Message Protocol version 6) router discovery messages to assign IPv6 addresses. DHCPv6(Stateful): Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6. Stateless address autoconfiguration for IPv6 can be used to acquire access in an IPv6 network, however, it is generally recommended to use DHCPv6 instead to assign addresses, name servers and other configuration information to the clients.
•Stateless DHCPv6:
Manually configure DNS:When enabled, users will be given the options to manually enter DNS servers
Primary DNS Server: Your local ISP will assign this address to you
Secondary DNS Server: Your local ISP will assign this address to you
LAN IPv6 Address: Please enter the IPv6 Address here
LAN Prefix Length: LAN Prefix Length will be displayed here
Autoconfiguration Type: Set up IPv6 Autoconfiguration in this section in order to have IPv6 addresses assigned to the clients on the local area network. The options are Stateless Auto, Stateless DHCPv6, DHCPv6 (Stateful). Stateless Auto: When connected to an IPv6 network utilizing ICMPv6 (Internet Control Message Protocol version 6) router discovery messages, IPv6 hosts will be
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