Hardware Setup
The mainboard provides 4 slots for
IImemory module in the DDR II slot (DIMM1~DIMM4). Otherwise, you are not able to boot up your system and your mainboard might be damaged. (For the updated sup- porting memory modules, please visit http://www.msi.com.tw/program/products/ mainboard/mbd/pro_mbd_trp_list.php)
DIMM1,2 and DIMM3,4
(from left (Green) to right(Orange))
Channel A (DIMM1 & DIMM2): Green
Channel B (DIMM3 & DIMM4): Orange
Memory Module Population Rules
Install at least one DIMM module on the slots. Each channel supports up to a maximum size of 2GB and maximum 2 bank memory modules.
1.Each DIMM can work respectively for
2.The mainboard supports up to 2 double- side or 4
-Please select the identical memory modules to install on the dual channel, and DO NOT install three memory modules on three DIMMs, or it may cause some failure.
-Always insert the memory modules into the GREEN slots first, and it is strongly recommended not to insert the memory modules into the OR- ANGE slots while the GREEN slots are left empty.
-This mainboard DO NOT support the memory module installed with more than 18 pieces of IC (integrated circuit).