2.20 Implemented change requests / extended commands
The system administration can use the new
2.20.3 ACS (Alias Catalog System) for job variables
As of ACS V15.0, job variables can also be assigned an alias as was previously possible for files. The alias catalog is extended with the additional RANGE indicator for the required validity range.
The validity range is set with the new RANGE operand of
It is possible to set whether the alias catalog is valid:
- | just | for | replacing | file names: | RANGE=*FILE |
- | just | for | replacing | JV names: | RANGE=*JV |
-or for replacing both file and JV names: RANGE=*BOTH ACS RANGE=*BOTH is set as default when ACS is installed.
The validity range can be changed with the
J for job variable
B for file and job variable.
Note: The insertion of an extra letter shifts the command output to the right by one position. Procedures that use the output
In addition, as previously, an alias catalog name must be unambi- guously identifiable with the alias name, i.e. there can only be one single alias catalog entry for each alias name.
It is therefore not possible to assign the same alias name for two alias catalog entries with different RANGE entries. The fol- lowing assignments, for example, are therefore not possible: Alias name A, file name X, RANGE=*FILE
Alias name A, file name Y, RANGE=*JV
You will find a complete description of the ACS commands in the manual
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