Solving computer problems
A window such as this will appear:
3.After the Access IBM Predesktop Area opens to the Utilities page, you can select from the following icons:
vStart setup utility opens the IBM BIOS Setup Utiltiy program.
vRecover to factory contents erases all files on primary
vRestore your backups restores backups you have made with IBM Rapid Restore PC, if backups have been made.
vRun diagnostics starts diagnostics tests to help determine whether there are problems with your PC and what might be causing them.
vCreate diagnostic disks helps you create special disks used during diagnostic tests.
In the left panel of the Access IBM Predesktop Area, you can click the following to open other pages or exit the utility:
Startup enables you to change the order of devices in which the PC searches for the operating system during startup. In some situations, you might need
Chapter 2. Solving computer problems 25