IBM 275 manual CD-. Japanese

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Image 20 IBM 275 manual CD-. Japanese
Contents Quick Installation Guide Guide d’Installation Rapide Safety Read first IBM P275 Monitor specifications Warranty InformationService and support Connecting your monitor to your computer EnglishTroubleshooting Symptom Check these itemsConnexion de lécran à votre ordinateur FrançaisIdentification des incidents Symptôme Eléments à vérifierBildschirm an den Computer anschließen DeutschSymptom Führen Sie diese Schritte aus FehlerbehebungConexión del monitor al sistema EspañolResolución de problemas Síntoma Compruebe estos elementosCollegamento del video allelaboratore ItalianoRisoluzione dei problemi Sintomo Verificare tali vociConectando o monitor ao computador Português BrasileiroDetectando problemas Sintoma Verifique estes itensКак присоединить монитор к компьютеру Russian Признак Проверьте следующееChinese Traditional No Signal Input OUT of Scan Range CD-. Japanese @ E*FG H JapaneseKorean \UGGY G 084-135-01 Printed on recycled paper First Edition July