Family 2785+01 IBM Infoprint 2085
●Minimum required = 0, Maximum allowed = 1
●Prerequisite = none,
This option supports
Only one of the hole punch kits (FCs 4620/4621, 4622/4623, 4624/4625, 4626/4627, 4628/4629) can be installed at a time although multiple hole punch kits can be ordered.
(#4628, #4629) 4-Hole Swedish Style Punch Kit for Finisher
●FC 4628 = factory, FC 4629 = field
●Minimum required = 0, Maximum allowed = 1
●Prerequisite = none,
This option supports Swedish style
Only one of the hole punch kits (FCs 4620/4621, 4622/4623, 4624/4625, 4626/4627, 4628/4629) can be installed at a time although multiple hole punch kits can be ordered.
Third Party Enabler Features
Infoprint 2085 and 2105 supports the following third party software enabler features:
(#6120, #6121) LCDS/Metacode Channel Software Enablement
●FC 6120 = factory, FC 6121 = field
●Minimum required = 0, Maximum allowed = 1
●Prerequisite = LCDS/Metacode Sun Channel Hardware Enablement (FC 6110/6111) or LCDS/Metacode ESCON Channel Hardware Enablement (FC 6150/6151),
●Conflict = LCDS/Metacode TCP/IP Software Enablement (FC 6130/6131)
Included in this feature is M.I.S. print channel software, integration, training, and one year warranty. M.I.S. print software converts LCDS/Metacode to PostScript. This feature requires the LCDS/Metacode Enablement Accessories and either the LCDS/Metacode Sun Channel Hardware Enablement feature or LCDS/Metacode Sun ESCON Channel Hardware Enablement feature.
(#6130, #6131) LCDS/Metacode TCP/IP Software Enablement
●FC 6130 = factory, FC 6131 = field
●Minimum required = 0, Maximum allowed = 1
●Prerequisite = none,
●Conflict = LCDS/Metacode Channel Software Enablement (FC 6120/6121)
Included in this feature is M.I.S. print channel software, integration, training, and one year warranty. M.I.S. print software converts LCDS/Metacode to PostScript. This feature requires the LCDS/Metacode Enablement Accessories feature.
(#6140, #6141) LCDS/Metacode Enablement Accessories
●FC 6140 = factory, FC 6141 = field
●Minimum required = 0, Maximum allowed = 1
●Prerequisite = none,
Included in this feature is extra software, hardware, or maintenance, in order to complete the M.I.S. print solution.
(#6110, #6111) LCDS/Metacode Sun Channel Hardware Enablement
●FC 6110 = factory, FC 6111 = field
●Minimum required = 0, Maximum allowed = 1
●Prerequisite = LCDS/Metacode Channel Software Enablement (FC 6120/6121),$01.htm (45 of 47)5/25/2005 7:01:07 AM