Cisco Systems 7012, 7008P, 7024 Statement 1056-Unterminated Fiber Cable

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Translated Safety Warnings

Statement 1056—Unterminated Fiber Cable

Warning Invisible laser radiation may be emitted from the end of the unterminated fiber cable or connector. Do not view directly with optical instruments. Viewing the laser output with certain optical instruments (for example, eye loupes, magnifiers, and microscopes) within a distance of 100 mm may pose an eye hazard.

Waarschuwing Er kunnen onzichtbare laserstralen worden uitgezonden vanuit het uiteinde van de onafgebroken vezelkabel of connector. Niet in de straal kijken of deze rechtstreeks bekijken met optische instrumenten. Als u de laseruitvoer met bepaalde optische instrumenten bekijkt (zoals bijv. een oogloep, vergrootgras of microscoop) binnen een afstand van 100 mm kan dit gevaar voor uw ogen opleveren.

Varoitus Päättämättömän kuitukaapelin tai -liittimen päästä voi tulla näkymätöntä lasersäteilyä. Älä tuijota sädettä tai katso sitä suoraan optisilla välineillä. Lasersäteen katsominen tietyillä optisilla välineillä (esim. suurennuslasilla tai mikroskoopilla) 10 cm:n päästä tai sitä lähempää voi olla vaarallista silmille.

Attention Des émissions de radiations laser invisibles peuvent se produire à l’extrémité d’un câble en fibre ou d’un raccord sans terminaison. Ne pas fixer du regard le rayon ou l’observer directement avec des instruments optiques. L’observation du laser à l’aide certains instruments optiques (loupes et microscopes) à une distance inférieure à 100 mm peut poser des risques pour les yeux.

Warnung Eine unsichtbare Laserstrahlung kann vom Ende des nicht angeschlossenen Glasfaserkabels oder Steckers ausgestrahlt werden. Nicht in den Laserstrahl schauen oder diesen mit einem optischen Instrument direkt ansehen. Ein Betrachten des Laserstrahls mit bestimmten optischen Instrumenten, wie z.B. Augenlupen, Vergrößerungsgläsern und Mikroskopen innerhalb eines Abstands von 100 mm kann für das Auge gefährlich sein.

Avvertenza L’estremità del connettore o del cavo ottico senza terminazione può emettere radiazioni laser invisibili. Non fissare il raggio od osservarlo in modo diretto con strumenti ottici. L’osservazione del fascio laser con determinati strumenti ottici (come lupette, lenti di ingrandimento o microscopi) entro una distanza di 100 mm può provocare danni agli occhi.

Advarsel Usynlig laserstråling kan emittere fra enden av den ikke-terminerte fiberkabelen eller koblingen. Ikke se inn i strålen og se heller ikke direkte på strålen med optiske instrumenter. Observering av laserutgang med visse optiske instrumenter (for eksempel øyelupe, forstørrelsesglass eller mikroskoper) innenfor en avstand på 100 mm kan være farlig for øynene.

Aviso Radiação laser invisível pode ser emitida pela ponta de um conector ou cabo de fibra não terminado. Não olhe fixa ou diretamente para o feixe ou com instrumentos ópticos. Visualizar a emissão do laser com certos instrumentos ópticos (por exemplo, lupas, lentes de aumento ou microscópios) a uma distância de 100 mm pode causar riscos à visão.

¡Advertencia! El extremo de un cable o conector de fibra sin terminación puede emitir radiación láser invisible. No se acerque al radio de acción ni lo mire directamente con instrumentos ópticos. La exposición del ojo a una salida de láser con determinados instrumentos ópticos (por ejemplo, lupas y microscopios) a una distancia de 100 mm puede comportar lesiones oculares.

Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco Server Fabric Switches: 7000D, 7000P, 7008P, 7012, 7024, 3012R, and 3504







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Contents Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved Working with Lasers Translated Safety Warnings Statement 5-Chassis Lifting Warning Translated Safety Warnings Translated Safety Warnings Statement 94-Wrist Strap Warning Statement 166-Backplane Voltage Warning Translated Safety Warnings Statement 181-Wrist Strap and Midplane Contact Warning Translated Safety Warnings Translated Safety Warnings Statement 258-Fan Tray Removal Warning Statement 1004-Installation Instructions Translated Safety Warnings Translated Safety Warnings Translated Safety Warnings Translated Safety Warnings Translated Safety Warnings Statement 1017-Restricted Area Translated Safety Warnings Translated Safety Warnings Statement 1024-Ground Conductor Translated Safety Warnings Statement 1028-More Than One Power Supply Translated Safety Warnings Statement 1029-Blank Faceplates and Cover Panels Translated Safety Warnings Translated Safety Warnings Statement 1030-Equipment Installation Translated Safety Warnings Statement 1034-Backplane Voltage Translated Safety Warnings Statement 1040-Product Disposal Statement 1043-Installation Hazard Translated Safety Warnings Statement 1045-Short-circuit Protection Translated Safety Warnings Statement 1053-Class 1M Laser Radiation Statement 1055-Class I and Class 1M Laser Statement 1056-Unterminated Fiber Cable Statement 1057-Hazardous Radiation Exposure Translated Safety Warnings Bewaar Deze Instructies Statement 1071-Warning DefinitionConservez CES Informations Guarde Estas Instrucciones GEM Disse Anvisninger Translated Safety Warnings Translated Safety Warnings Statement 1073-No User-Serviceable Parts European Directives European Directives Page Regulatory Standards Compliance Class a Notice for Canada Class a Notice for FCCEMC Class a Notices and Warnings EMC Class a Notices and Warnings EMC Class a Notices and Warnings Japanese Electric Appliance and Radio Laws Statement 371-Power Cable and AC AdapterObtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request