Cisco Systems 11506, 11503, 11501, 11500 appendix Translated Safety Warnings

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Appendix D Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco 11500 Series Content Services Switch

Translated Safety Warnings

Attention Ne jamais faire fonctionner le système sans que l’intégralité des cartes, des plaques métalliques et des panneaux avant et arrière ne soient fixés à leur emplacement. Ceux-ci remplissent trois fonctions essentielles : ils évitent tout risque de contact avec des tensions et des courants dangereux à l’intérieur du châssis, ils évitent toute diffusion d’interférences électromagnétiques qui pourraient perturber le fonctionnement des autres équipements, et ils canalisent le flux d’air de refroidissement dans le châssis.

Warnung Blanke Faceplates und Abdeckungen haben drei wichtigen Funktionen: (1) Sie schützen vor gefährlichen Spannungen und Strom innerhalb des Chassis; (2) sie halten elektromagnetische Interferenzen (EMI) zurück, die andere Geräte stören könnten; (3) sie lenken den kühlenden Luftstrom durch das Chassis. Das System darf nur betrieben werden, wenn alle Karten, Faceplates, Voder- und Rückabdeckungen an Ort und Stelle sind.

Figyelem! Az elõlapok és burkolópanelek három fontos funkciót töltenek be: biztosítják a veszélyes feszültségû és áramerõsségû területek érintésvédelmét; elnyelik a más berendezések mûködésében mûködési zavarokat okozó elektromágneses interferenciát (EMI); a gépházon belül terelik a hûtõlevegõt. Csak úgy mûködtesse a rendszert, ha minden kártya, lemez, elülsõ és hátulsó burkolat a helyén van.

Avvertenza Le piattaforme bianche e i panelli di protezione hanno tre funzioni importanti: Evitano l'esposizione a voltaggi e correnti elettriche pericolose nello chassis, trattengono le interferenze elettromagnetiche (EMI) che potrebbero scombussolare altri apparati e dirigono il flusso di aria per il raffreddamento attraverso lo chassis. Non mettete in funzione il sistema se le schede, le piattaforme, i panelli frontali e posteriori non sono in posizione.

Advarsel Blanke ytterplater og deksler sørger for tre viktige funksjoner: de forhindrer utsettelse for farlig spenning og strøm inni kabinettet; de inneholder elektromagnetisk forstyrrelse (EMI) som kan avbryte annet utstyr, og de dirigerer luftavkjølingsstrømmen gjennom kabinettet. Betjen ikke systemet med mindre alle kort, ytterplater, frontdeksler og bakdeksler sitter på plass.


Cisco 11500 Series Content Services Switch Hardware Installation Guide



Image 48
Contents P E N D I X D Agency Approvals FCC Class a Compliance Notice United States FCC Compliance Information Statement United States USAICES-003 Class a Compliance Notice Canada Europe EUAgency Approvals Cispr 22 Class a Warning Vcci Class a Warning Agency Approvals 78-13884-06 Safety Requirements Class a EMC WarningLaser Safety AustraliaTranslated Safety Warnings Varoitus Tärkeitä Turvallisuuteen Liittyviä Ohjeita Remarque Conservez CES Informations Avvertenza Importanti Istruzioni Sulla Sicurezza Translated Safety Warnings OBS! Spara Dessa Anvisningar 78-13884-06 Battery Handling Warning 78-13884-06 Invisible Laser Radiation Warning Jewelry Removal Warning 78-13884-06 Installation Warning Radiation from Open Port Aperture Installation Warning 78-13884-06 Two Person Lifting Requirement Lifting the Chassis Warning Translated Safety Warnings Chassis Installation Warning Lightning Activity Warning 78-13884-06 Disconnect Device Warning Cisco 11500 Power Source Translated Safety Warnings DC Power Supply Warning Translated Safety Warnings 78-13884-06 Power Supply Warning Ground Conductor Warning Translated Safety Warnings Installation and Replacement Warning Use Copper Conductors Only Warning Short-circuit Protection Warning Translated Safety Warnings Faceplates and Cover Panels Warning Translated Safety Warnings 78-13884-06 Power Module Warning 78-13884-06 Ground Conductor Warning 78-13884-06 78-13884-06

11500, 11501, 11503, 11506 specifications

Cisco Systems has established itself as a leader in networking technologies, and its 11500 Series of routers demonstrates this commitment to innovation and performance. This series includes models 11506, 11503, 11501, and 11500, each designed to meet the varying needs of enterprise and service provider networks.

The Cisco 11500 Series routers are primarily designed for the high-performance delivery of services and applications. They are equipped to handle both traditional traffic and modern, bandwidth-intensive applications, making them suitable for data center environments. One of the standout features of this series is its ability to support multiple services simultaneously, including advanced security, firewall, and application-aware routing.

The backbone of the 11500 Series is its modular architecture, which allows for expanded capabilities through the integration of various service modules. This flexibility means that organizations can scale their networks to accommodate growth without replacing the router. The routers also utilize Cisco's advanced application recognition technology, which enhances performance by prioritizing mission-critical applications while ensuring optimal bandwidth utilization.

A significant technological advancement in the 11500 Series is its support for the latest Internet Protocol versions, including IPv6. This ensures that users are future-proofed against the growing adoption of new Internet protocols, enabling seamless communication in an increasingly interconnected world.

The series also features high-density 10 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces, which are essential for organizations looking to maximize throughput and minimize latency. Coupled with Cisco's intelligent network management tools, operators gain substantial visibility and control over their network performance, facilitating faster problem resolution and more efficient resource allocation.

With security becoming an increasing concern in the digital age, the 11500 Series incorporates robust security features, including intrusion detection and prevention systems, ensuring that transmitted data remains secure from potential threats. The routers are also designed to work seamlessly with Cisco’s suite of security products, providing a unified approach to network integrity.

In summary, the Cisco 11500 Series, including the 11506, 11503, 11501, and 11500 models, represents a powerful solution for organizations seeking reliable, scalable, and secure networking capabilities. With their advanced features and support for modern technologies, these routers are well-equipped to meet the challenges of today’s digital landscape, ensuring that businesses can operate efficiently and securely while preparing for future growth.